
Do you have candy? I’m a sucker for candy. Especially stranger candy.

Actually, I think that’s the only time to dress like a clown right now where people will just understand you’re capitalising on the craze. There will be plenty a clown this halloween next to Elevens, Harambes and Harley Quinns.

26? I’m guessing you didn’t finish the biography of John Wayne Gacy.

Do you wanna borrow one of my shoes so you can wail on that person? Here, take one of my heels.

“Excuse me, I never send back fires. I never send back fries. Actually, I believe I love all fries. Nobody liked that chef. Ask anybody. I love fries, believe me.”

Sorry, could you repeat that? All I got was “RAH! RAH! RAH! RAH! RAH!”

All your mug are belong to us now. Accept it. You’ll have to drink you’re wine out of a wine glass like a savage from now on.

This David-Schwimmer looking guy would be too much of a p***y to try that with African Americans in Harlem.

When a ring looses $24,975 mid-sentence. I say sell! Sell! Sell!

Remount the jewels on new bands and such. Find a black market broker. Liquidate within the month. It’s not a painting where you can’t alter it.

What jewels she has left.

Winterwindz, you’re posting all about your mug on the internet. I’m going to have to snatch that.

Steve Buscemi sober.

Who is that under all that orange face paint?

You don’t get the reference?

It wasn’t destroyed. Just clogged.

What’s 50 grand to a muthaf**cka like Kim, could you please remind me.

Kanye will later explain that there was no robbery, but that his abrupt leaving was art. In defense, he will tell his fans:

a no vote is better than a vote for trump, but it’s not better than a potential vote AGAINST trump.