Sweet Fluff

Funny thing, at the moment he was telling me it wasn't going to work out between us, I wasn't taking it hard but had a hollow feeling in the pit of my stomach regardless. "You drive a stick. That's weird. Girls don't drive stick-shift." That hollow feeling vanished and I walked out laughing! Everyone in my family

Who are you talking about? I can read a map and park a car up a clam's ass. Lost a boyfriend because he was intimidated that I drove a stick. Weak little sissy man who drove a faux sports car that was automatic.

Why climb the highest mountain? Because it's there. Why design the deadliest virus known to mankind? Because it can be done.

Oh they are lying through their polished teeth!

Here's to hoping all the truth gets revealed! Pedophilia can not be tolerated! Those who hide known perpetrators are just as guilty.

Humans! They will be the death of us all.

Isn't this the guy going for the part of the queen in Snow White?

What these woman endured is horrendous. Any organization covering up such abuse should be held accountable.

By the age of 15, I'd witnessed flashings and exposure from men at least six times. Growing up in a middle class community offered no protection.

This comment had a different opinion than most here, but I didn't sense any "blaming the victim." Interesting how you came under the same judgement when you never made a stance concerning the author of this story one way or another. You simply pointed out the " vagina-centric hive-mind" that has presented itself.

However this universe came to be, it is awesome!

As long as I'm referred to as "Queen" or "Princess" all is well. They know their place.

Me too!

I am so excited about this movie! The trailer looks amazing and sounds beautiful!

New fan here, never having seen it's predecessor, I was totally engrossed! Loved the characters and the action was fantastic. I only closed my eyes at the clipping scene, not to have that image "burned" into my consciousness!

My thoughts exactly.

Reuse recycle.

Congratulations to NY! May your marriages bring you love and happiness!

I've given you a heart for you have touched mine. I know it is too simplistic to say fuck them, let it go, so, fuck that, I won't. Like quicksand those painful memories can take us down. I wish I could sprinkle some pixi dust on the wound and it would magically disappear. Can't do that either but imagine I did.

Oh that made me smile.