@abates25: Except blu-ray
@abates25: Except blu-ray
I hate seeing capable. It's always capable this capable that.
"free, Android"
Yeah, Avatar was never that amazing and 3D movies in general are more of a gimmick than anything. Jackass 3D was honestly one of the better implemented movies.
@Caturday Yet?: Smoking cigarettes is disgusting.
@lindamller: I think in a comment a few weeks ago I was guestimating the time frame of when apple will make the switch a more touch based OS. I predicted some time in 2012, but what do I know? It sounded about right though given apples release cycles.
@dtfitzp: This is not netbook territory this is thin and light territory.
Call me crazy but as I read this article I just saw negative after negative.
@autoclavicle: Yah this author is full of ship.
@Kanji08: Those lego's didn't come with zombies :)
@Zulthar: I'm with you buddy
@thenughuffer: People are frustrated because notch has been adding "useless" features when there are real problems with SMP.
@firemac: Not trying anything that doesn't spark your interest is a bad idea, live a little!
@SupermotoThud: LOL
@bombastinator: Minecraft is one of the most original games to come out in a long time and at 14 bucks I can't help but recommend it.
@Caturday Yet?: Oops, that steam comment was completely unrelated :D
@zildjiabass150: I totally just cried. That was awesome.
@Ninety-9: An ultraportable notebook is right above a netbook and below a normal notebook. Usually lacking an optical drive, let than an inch thin, SSD, etc.
@Aklost: That is pure awesomeness. You wouldn't happen to have taken any pictures?