
@Erik The Red: Hell, I don't even need a "real" e-mail address! Maybe it's because I'm relatively young but almost all things about me or that I use on the net are throw away commodities.

@lycosman: You just reminded me that outside of the internet nobody gives two shits about android vs ios, but whatever is cheapest and works the best.

It feels like yesterday I was saying how great starcrafts graphics are. Now after playing sc2 and watching that video I had to hold back my laughter.

Is there really a big privacy concern with anyone on facebook? Yeah, you know I like call of duty and techno, but what else really is there?

Did he really need to taser him? Sounds like he could have grabbed the kid and he would have put the handcuffs on himself.

@akasha: A friend of mine took some acid at his friends house one night. By the time he was tripping all his clothes were off and he was acting so outrageous the roommates of the house closed and locked their doors.

This story reminded me of something I've been thinking about lately. How come it isn't okay to break the rules once in a while? These people knew this guy was safe and he had been flying for years, but just because, they had to make him go through this full body detector.

@Sesheron: I think the same about them. They seem to get a bad rap most of the time but my charter tv and internet has been awesome.

@Dogen: Just pull out! The tried and true method since 8th grade!

@Dezerus Richardson: Haha I'm not sure? I wasn't sure if it had one or not but I looked near the headphone jack and there it was. As I said it was surprisingly clear, and it picked up nearly any sound in the room. +1 to apple on using a quality mic.

@Master_Soda: I most definitely am and will be checking that out!

@AlmightyRenegade: I'm guessing. They might have even been able to knock out a white iphone in time if they didn't use glass.

@Joshua Milwer..: I find quality to be extremely lacking in the android store, so I welcome this with open arms.

I've found the mic on the iPad to be quite good. I've recorded a few random musical endeavors with a buddy and it came out sounding great. (at least as a reference point)

I've always had this little weaboo in me that liked japan. I don't watch anime or study japanese or anything, but their culture and lifestyle has always intrigued me. I would really like to visit there one day, who knows, maybe even live.

@Grimm808: I've read about housing and living cost in eastern asia....sounds amazing!I could live without the monsoons and crime though.

Still the only mobile game I have ever or even wanted to finish. Seriously excellent. A perfect example of what an addicting mobile game should be like.

@NorwoodIsMyHero: Anon has nothing better to do. Everyone is worth trolling.

Shouldn't they put this way out in the ocean instead of right near the beach? I know it's a mock up but it doesn't seem ideal.