@dufus: A single coals amount of lighter fluid? I'm not sure.. I've read in other instructables that people use white gas with a different design made from a soda can.
@dufus: A single coals amount of lighter fluid? I'm not sure.. I've read in other instructables that people use white gas with a different design made from a soda can.
@norway32: I'm hoping people get the zoolander reference. Awesome movie.
@MarcusMaximus: No no, Android is excellent and I love my Nexus One. The point I'm trying to make is that there are no apps really out there for android tablets. I said so to speak in my first comment because of that. Apps will come for android tablets, but how many, and at what quality?
@OMG! British Dinosaur!: How old are you? You never know!
Sigh. After owning an iPad, I'm sorry, but this looks like shite.
@@Legohan@: What limits does our mind have?
And they still couldn't find a new kind of material for the back cover? Christ almighty.
@RedBackFur: In typical fashion I wandered down here to check if someone had already posted a goatse shoop.
@Cheetah Eldrick Woods: mind.blown.
My workout music method:
I watched it a few times and see no reason to compare this to Abu Ghraib.
@MazdaMania: Don't worry I loled
@ScottRose: Same here!
The way I think about it, at least people are using better headphones than the stock iPod ones that have been a trend for years. Skullycandy's aren't the best, but they do beat those.
@Noodle-Works: The thing is, 100 dollar earphones ARE built better, in ear other otherwise.
@moonshadowkati: Keyboards 4 lyfe bro.
@Dodge2002: I've found that the OS and apps really make the device. Unless we are just talking hardware I'd have to disagree.
@FrankenPC: lol!
@tyler.derden: dude
@xryanfx: Well, that's really creepy