
@Saboth: I'd be lying if I said I didn't crack a smile when you said fart app.

Who is this catering to? I'm not saying people won't find a use for it, but I think dell would be better off choosing one category of device, phone or tablet.

@Nitemancometh: Functional depending on what you do. For casual surfing and general use yes, gaming and photoshop, no. IMO of course.

@lostarchitect: I just wanted to say i'm jealous of your macbook pro. It's my ultimate gadget lust item. Just a tad too pricey for me right now.

Technology helping citizens participate in government, I like it!

@twenty10: At least they are doing it right! It has taken a while considering how long trackpads have been out.

@lucasway89: damn apple and their awesome design. It does look sexy.

@rossismyname: there is literally nothing ergonomic about a trackpad..lol.

@Snarktopus: Really? I thought for sure html5 would use less power. Im on my ipad so I cant check.

If I didnt own an iPad I probably wouldn't care, but I do, so give me more html5!

@metronome49: I should have clarified. It really would be a nice combo. I love apples hardware.

@acidrain69: I think we are misunderstanding each other lol. I want batteries so I never have to plug it in, ever. If I use it as a htpc remote and it runs out of juice, I don't want to have to plug it in. Batteries give me conplete wireless freedom.

@techynottreky: I'm sure they just use a random hand model

@acidrain69: Not useful when i'm away from a usb port.

@metronome49: it would be for htpc use. Two pieces of hardware to do one thing: clunky and fail.

@usedtowork: Like I said, my mouse can complete the same tasks, even if it takes a few ms more. It doesn't have the gestures, but it is just as quick due to my experience with it. I don't need dozens of gestures, I rarely use any buttons on my mouse except scroll and middleclick.

@schunniky: Is it just a case of it's been happening for ever, so it continues? Very strange.

@I'm@work,shhhhh.: I had never thought of the idea, one day I saw it on the app store. Very useful!