
Whoa, another ugly android app, surprise!

@coldfuzion: Hairdryers have been up in popularity on gizmodo lately. The dude uses a hairdryer.

@ibpointless2: I think a lot of atheists attempt to get a religious person to see a world without god, not force them to quit believing.

@Dr.Evil4.0: Not everyone has a say in the matter. I know plenty of people that were forced to get confirmed when they were young. Or they did it for the money.

@iloveleo429: Here's my belief (as a devout atheist): there are no consequences for not believing in God, as far being christian, there are. Better safe than sorry ;-)

@OCEntertainment: It wasnt but I noticed after I posted it. I'm punny.

Backlash, commence!

@Jack Musick: Yesyesyes. My nexus one has terrible 3g reception when held a certain way, and there is waytoomuch dust under the screen. Both are known issues, and googles respone to both SUCKED. Were there news stories everywhere and people up in arms? No.

@deshman02: Except that I don't get cancer from sitting a certain way.

@blackcat12: Oh please. Apple isnt perfect, but pinning suicides on them, come on. And there is a difference between designed in and built in, there is no reason to say where its made if it doesnt help sell the product.

@ObiHaiv: Why would you think tmobile is going under?

We've been around for 34 years... haven't we earned the credibility and the trust of the press? I think we have that from our users. I didn't see it exhibited by some of the press as this was blown so far out of proportion.

@Andinator: Maybe because it was designed in california?

@deshman02: Lol! Way to sensationalize. An antenna problem is not the same as cancer.

I'm sure millions of people are happy...the news just likes to sensationalize everything.

Some RL trolls. Nerds laugh everywhere, you can't beat a nerd at their own game.

Lol! I love the dragon ball z dvd accompanying the penis ring.

Hm. Id think a tech blog would implore you to use a free and easy to use product instead of a paid version.