
He also came away with the understanding "Justin Bieber proposed to a guy," and asked the eternal question, "If I got a box of microscopes, would I be gay?" That's the one I want next to me at the kids' table at Thanksgiving.

He was so precious bopping along to the video, singing the song. It seemed to take him a moment of reflection to remember he's not supposed to be ok with it.

That cracked me up too! Partially because I was thinking, "This kid has no idea where gay marriage is legal."

She really is top-shelf. She's 9 now, and still busting out the wins all time. She recently wrote a letter of protest to her school's PE program having an event sponsored by Coca-Cola, as she felt it was wrong for them to encourage children to drink sugary sodas.

I don't really think Cutie Pie/Evil Eyebrows' parents would be interesting to interview, since he pretty much has to have someone in his life who is vocally anti-gay. He's got the vocabulary where he knows the name of the issue, and he knows not to like it. I think we already know what they would say, and it would be

When my niece was a toddler (like 2.5 - talking but not in full sentences), she would get annoyed whenever anyone called her a princess. I took her to an outdoor festival where people sold crafts and wares. At the dress-up tent she tried on one of those veiled tiaras they make for kids. The woman working there cooed,

I seriously just yelled, "WHAT THE FUCK?" and scared my dog. Why is there a giant snake in the comments of a squee video? And what the hell is up with that "Good job" at the end of the video? What are that woman and snake planning? Now I have to go lock all the doors. The knowledge that it is too cold outside here for

South Carolina will exempt you if you are the primary caregiver for a child under 7 and don't have child care. Also if you are the caregiver for an elderly person. Students and teachers can get their date rescheduled. And there are still plenty of people for all the juries! Get it together, Missouri. (Or don't. Enjoy

I did the same thing. My husband has a hyphenated last name, but it's a huge pain and he really only uses part of it anyway (only one last name on his debit card, one last name on Facebook, introduces himself with one last name, we'd been together for six years before my extended family realized he had a hyphenated

I agree. My background means I approach this case with much more of a family court perspective than an ICWA perspective (something I have complicated feelings about, but there it is), and my experiences there have really hardened my heart against parents who feel no sense of responsibility - particularly financial

You seem to be rocking the law of small numbers look a bit yourself, since you just cast an extremely wide net over a large and likely differentiated group of people (professors and academics). Now granted, I am assuming that you have had some kind of unfortunate experience with academics that have led you to this

I was thinking about that same kind of thing watching the video - when I was in high school/early college, my guy friends would throw me pools or drag me around and somehow it was all hilarious super-fun. I was also mega flattered when a dude I didn't know wanted to carry me to class, or when a guy who had been

In South Carolina, the age of consent is 16 and there are no "Romeo and Juliet" laws. So a 16-year-old having sex with a 15-year-old is breaking the law. A 17-year-old having sex with a 15-year-old is breaking the law and is legally an adult. However, I am pretty well connected the the criminal justice world (at least

Well he was not there any more when we passed, but I'm going to assume that's the kind of explanation he would offer if (a) he was there and (b) I was willing to engage in a conversation about it. I've lived in this area almost my whole life though, so the novelty of that stuff is 100% gone.

Haaaaa. I live in South Carolina. Tonight I walked to dinner with a friend. On the way, I noticed a new snow cone stand in front of the Piggly Wiggly and thought nothing of it. On the way back, I noticed that the "t" in "Stand" on the sign was shaped like a cross. Which led to me wondering, "Are those Jesus snow

Oh man, I grew up in South Carolina and our sex ed class was a when they divided our gym class by gender for a couple of days and brought in some kind of bizarre-o consultants who made us look at pictures of venereal diseases for the whole class both days. Serious it was just "here's what untreated genital warts look

For my sake, I hope so!

Well hopefully Fairfax is close enough - Arlington is expensive!

Haaaa, I live in the 1st district. Not only was he my governor during the hiking time, he went on to win back his congressional seat and become my representative.

Obviously this is horrible. It should be criminal. That's the important thing here. That's where the focus is.