
thank you for mentioning what should have been in the article. calibre is also supposed to send formatted web pages to your e-reader, and it acts like a feed in that it can grab the latest stories every time you sync.


yeah, feel free to ignore my examples. it was more of a vent for me than anything else.

the articles themselves are trolls. and jesus is the resident troll at gizmodo. the editor in chief is the troll at destructoid, and ben is the troll at ars.


Good article. I'm glad that I haven't seen too much of it here at lifehacker. Unless the "lifehack" was an honestly bad idea.

which seems easier and cheaper, and all-around better as a solution than these dongles. i like tablets and the possibilities that they create, but they're still consumption devices. creating anything outside of a basic document or spreadsheet always seems like such a hassle.

it does seem pointless, though. better to sync them from a desktop or laptop or cloud service to the ipad than pay for one of those ridiculous dongles.

if you're thinking of becoming a foodie, don't.

definitely a good alternative. i had buffering issues with my ps3. with ps3mediaserver or tversity. buffering issues, or quality degraded to the point of why bother. but that was over wireless. i just wish the ps3 could hold a buffer the way the 360 does.

if they're not, why is it that most of iOS5 is catch-up to android?

i would hardly call a mess of icons and folders all over the screen that can only be arranged from top to bottom beautiful.

but they bought android. why not just buy an iphone? it's available at all price points, starting at free with contract.

show me the HDMI or component port on a super nintendo, and maybe your argument would make sense. or if the article were about adding this sort of filter to modern games.

you do realize that these games were programed and designed with CRT televisions in mind, right? which means recreating the effect of a CRT screen actually gets you closer to playing the game as intended by the developers.

It might have been wise to mention that these filters are already built into many popular emulators.

assuming your phone has a front-facing camera, use skype. the apple app store is just as much of a pain as the android one. although the android market will at least let you search and purchase/download from a pc.

you're just going to have to watch that particular episode. it looked pretty cool.

mythbusters would disagree. you can totally polish a turd. doesn't change the fact that it's a turd, though.

the free version is ad-supported, and there is a 99 cent ad-free version. let's do our homework before getting all worked up over ignorance.