
@Piccoroz: i was going to post with this same example.

@DrakeDatsun: yet the emulator devs are able to do it with trial and error.

rights acquisition, i can understand, but emulation shouldn't be an excuse. they own the specs to the hardware. if psX or even epsxe can do so well relying on empirical data and trial and error, sony should be able to create a generic emulator with zero issues fairly easily.

it sounds like this google algo will take gawker sites down a few notches in the results.

@Tekshow: ah. i misread your tone.

@TheFu: the videos come out really nice.

@jesterspawn: it's just hard to grasp throwing away at least a grand just because you want to.

i enjoyed reading some of the comments. in that they think they just need to have cable tv, or that it's some thing that everyone has.

@Allison Lins: i've never lived with cable tv. the whole thing is a waste of money.

@Pray4Mojo: the trolls at gizmodo would disagree.

@lonewanderer: or four of my gaming rig that will perform equally well.

@Tekshow: i don't think you know what jaded means.

my favorite is the one i build. i get everything i want, and it's way cheaper than any pre-fab box you can get.

@K3nnyBoy: i'm just really tired of that expression. it's not true.

@K3nnyBoy: it doesn't hold true. poor reviews and negative criticism from the masses are also publicity.

@K3nnyBoy: turok would probably disagree with your first point.

"We're not the kind of company who thinks about how we are going to take on another company's product."