
@Biokinetica: and again, people bring up popcap.

a nerd who is clean is news-worthy? how does this break the stereotype?

@Biokinetica: no, you missed it. when a game like fallout:nv drops, it makes news because it's so broken, and then the developers have to scramble to make statements and get patches out.


@NeVeRMoRe666: so you support poor coding and buggy experiences with gaming experiences that barely cut it?

this article is just a rant about the ilomilo exclusivity on ATT.

@NeVeRMoRe666: using bejeweled, you make a valid point.

@kasplat: the villian was buying up land which had aquifers, and was planning on holding countries hostage by controlling their water supplies.

@WolfRogers: the fact that this is a machinima, voiced in english by people with poor english doesn't exactly sound high-quality. high aspirations, sure. also, you only mention one scene. one scene in an 88 minute film is all you can bring up? i'm glad i didn't watch it.

@Jackski: my pc is irrelevant. my attitude about accessibility into pc gaming is better than yours. that's what this debate is about.

@WolfRogers: i didn't bother to watch it, merely commenting on the idea that length defines cinema.

i like how the ambivalent answer was counted as a definite yes.

@Jackski: or a ps3, one game, and one controller when it launched.

@Southrncomfortjm: if people were going to do this, pc's would be better. i know that ssfiv probably isn't available, but it would still be better to have pc's than xboxes.

you guys should try actually looking into typical arcade cabinet prices. 17k isn't as bad as it could be.

length alone does not define cinema. a 600 page fanfic will remain fanfic if the quality isn't there.

@Jackski: you were spouting garbage about how expensive pc gaming was. i countered.