@darkboy1200: "when it comes to making money, there's no such thing as bad publicity." still a lie.
@darkboy1200: "when it comes to making money, there's no such thing as bad publicity." still a lie.
i don't. this is still a tremendous pain.
the vast majority are ports. and the after years is a different game.
the vast majority are ports. and the after years is a different game.
the vast majority are ports.
@darkboy1200: but there is such a thing as bad publicity, contrary to the stupid saying.
@killakoopa: this is a thing that happens everywhere. musicians don't host music award shows, and the only reason actors host acting award shows is because they're actors.
@killakoopa: so, this is star-worthy material. interesting.
@darkboy1200: if you take the time to actually look at categories and winners, you'll see that the whole thing is strictly a money-driven circle jerk.
@Nightwolf10110: to not know who neal patrick harris is kind of negates anything you have to say about him.
@Archaotic: NWN2 and new vegas were nigh unplayable at launch. kotor 2 had it's share of bugs, as well.
@Archaotic: i shouldn't have spouted on about DA:O, i've only played about 20 hours of it. hadn't gotten to that part, yet, then.
@dowingba: i was misinformed, then.
@Archaotic: that bioware generalization only really fits mass effect.
i thought bethesda developed gamebryo? if so, the fact that they're using another internally built engine doesn't necessarily make for celebrations.
@P-Z3r0: the one that's out now?
@TheCug: those aren't the complaints.
there isn't even an awards list?
@PiltdownMan: others, possibly. but not the one you killed. because you killed it.
@PiltdownMan: that thing you killed, you mean?