the questions asked in this conversation seem to flow a lot better than in previous reviews, but it still doesn't seem like much of a review.
the questions asked in this conversation seem to flow a lot better than in previous reviews, but it still doesn't seem like much of a review.
@kongjie: funny, my touch 2G could take up to a half hour to sync one renamed track at times.
can't doubletwist sync without itunes?
@BNC92781: interesting. i think i perform better o single card.
@rolsenrob: i did know that, it just didn't come out that way.
@BNC92781: triple card draw is harder.
@rolsenrob: i'm not denying that the game is impressive on the wii.
i don't know about videos, but it's been shown that html5 games consume far more processing power than flash games.
i can see a snap-judgement based on a split-second viewing.
@VyseTheQuick: there it is!
@spikey_monkey: it's just funny, since kotaku has been kind of adamant about the death of pc gaming. which is very sad for a gaming blog.
i enjoy that you left out kotaku's own editorials sounding the pc's death knell.
time to unsubscribe. again.
@ZeroOrDie: really?
@chronomasakari: all the new security is a joke.
@Whitson Gordon: weak video is weak.
@Whitson Gordon: in that case, the build should be balanced better. like el pollo loco said.
@MasterNihil: at 1920x1200, AA doesn't make a huge difference.
@Pissed Off PC Gamer: it's a pretty terrible "conversation."
@Virtual Boy Beats 3DS: i would not let one more than likely biased person sway your choices.