
again, people are forgetting that this is a full priced game on the wii.

@Eggyhead85: you do realize that this is the price of the wii version?

while the hdcp clause is good to have, he should note that pretty much all video cards today have hdcp.

are they actually invited to this one, then?

@Getsuga Tensho: i think it has something to do with the author's inability to distinguish a product from a business.

@Vanderhuge: you make an excellent point.

obsidian always ships a product broken.

i imagine the newsletter subscription requirement was for people like me who immediately unsubscribed after not winning.

@jshadwell85: it doesn't matter that the author liked it. he used it as the first example that came to his head of simplistic art done well.

@Mujtaba Meher: i use keeptube. the greasemonkey script is amazing. it doesn't function properly in chrome, though.

@jshadwell85: But the fact of the matter is that it doesn't qualify. full stop.

@25toLife: while there is a mathematical way to figure what a number could be, it doesn't mean that the number correlates directly.

@ripfire: why is this a reply to me?

@DiegonotDeya: it's dead simple to remove cards off an account from xbox.com

you could also not be a slob and have somewhere other than the couch that the remote goes.