
I call bullshit on the driver. 20 seconds? That guy was staking that truck out for awhile.

Why does this bring to mind the Grinch in his Grinch cave looking down on Whohattan?

one thousand stars!

Kid freshman year puked on his carpet. Went and got the community vacuum and vacuumed up his 3 cans of Schlitz Malt Liquor regurgitation. Even when cleaned out and the bag replaced, every time that vacuum was used, it made your room smell of o puke. For the rest of college, he was known as “Pukey”.

Nuff said.

Some really crappy jokes here.

Similar story about a gun. Dad bought a WWII Mauser Wehrmacht infantry rifle, still packed in grease, at an Army Navy store in Philly after the war, along with 2 Wehrmacht helmets. (He was going to have a lighter stock put on for deer hunting, but...kids, house, life.) This rifle sat in our basement for for years

The Olympic diving pool has been closed again because of water quality issues...a German diver says “the whole building smells like a fart”

You suck.

Great book. Read it a couple of years ago. Stigler had quite a life. Enjoy the book!

Several years ago skiing at Loon Mtn in Lincoln NH, 2 NH ANG A-10's flew up the valley below us. I skied the rest of the day with 3 poles!

Rocks glass, ice, Tito’s, twist of lemon. Sip. Repeat. Texas love in a glass, my friend.


Hey, how does everyone forget Zeke Mowatt flapping his junk in Lisa Olsen’s face? Fuck the Boston Herald.

I just ruined my keyboard spitting coffee! Well played!

I didn't know why I watched a half time for the first time, so I must have seen the nip subconsciously. I am scum.


Second thing they teach in culinary school. First thing? Which end of the knife hurts?

Second thing they teach in culinary school. First thing? Which side of the knife can hurt you.