
Not sure I can tell the spirit of his comment, but I do think it’d be worth seeing these “reports” albeit with names redacted for privacy’s sake. It would be good to know what standard Harvard is setting re: cancelling the season, and it would be a particularly good reference point for future scandals— universities

I also enjoyed “a tight 1-0 win for the good guys,” speaking of Barcelona, either the 1st or 2nd richest club in the world, depending on your list. Anytime Barcelona loses to someone other than RM, it’s a win for the good guys.

You forgot the most important caveat: they were playing the Spurs, their arch-nemesis, who are the best franchise in pro basketball over the last 15 years with one of the best coaches in pro basketball history and two of the best 10 players in the NBA themselves.

You my friend are the ignorant one. Most great pitchers hit their prime in their late 20s. Most pitchers who turned out to be superstars weren’t dominant in their early to mid 20s, but they were still pretty darn good. Johnson was a stud-- and an all-star-- in his first full season in Seattle, and even before then his

I hate to say this, but I agree with SAS. Either Arrieta is the first guy in the history of baseball to be a well below average pitcher from the age of 24-28 and then suddenly become the most dominant pitcher in the game, or he’s chemically aided.

What’s so odd is that for the last 25 years, this man has spent almost all of his time around young black men (as their advocate and mentor)... much more time than with any of his friends, family, professional colleagues or neighbors.

We should only ever use “Group of Death” in a World Cup context, and even then sparingly. Every game on that list except for Mexico (and even then really only away) is a game the US should win or draw.

Your arguments keep reinforcing my arguments. No one gives a shit about Copa America, but they care a whole helluva lot more about Copa than the fucking Olympics. Let me know the next time a Mexico supporter— a fanbase who talk shit about everything— gives you the business over winning the gold medal in London.

Again, we’re talking about differences of degree.

Four years ago Neymar was 21 and scoring 13 goals for Santos. He was not the best player on the senior team.

Hence my use of the term “best player”— no one does this.

Lionel Messi isn’t a good comparison. Besides being only 21 years old in 2008, he had barely made any impact the year before in the 2007 Copa America. He was anything but the nation’s unquestioned best player.

Take a look at U23 rosters and Olympic rosters in the past, wise guy. No one ever puts the best players who are under 23 on the U23 Olympic team. Anyone who plays on the senior team almost never plays U23 (regardless of age) and the best player on the squad certainly never plays U23s.

I know the rules. Show me another time that one of the top 10 players in the world has ever played the Olympics. It’s so desperate.

It’s not that it’s not allowed, it’s that it’s pathetic.

... except the Brazilians are playing with Neymar, their best player! How is that possible? Why aren’t we talking more about how fucking desperate that move is? It’s shocking that Barca is allowing this. Can and Draxler have to be laughing their asses off.

Let’s also not forget that despite all his working class hero, hard-knocks-life and cowboy bullshit, Clint Eastwood grew up in Piedmont, California, one of the richest, whitest towns in the United States— which was purposefully zoned and designed as a separate municipality from Oakland to exclude nonwhite, poor

Not to mention that throwing the ball from the stands is the correct and dignified way to throw the first pitch.

It is shocking how slow the game was back then... and it isn’t just a knock on the Mexican League, it was like this at the world class level as well.

Is there any sport where old clips have aged less well than soccer?

You’re sure that you didn’t see any of Wilt’s kids in the NBA?

Why should it exactly? The best players in the world aren't even making Brian McCann money. Müller is barely making Brett Gardner money. Seems like a country of China's size can pretty easily support many more players at this level of cost.