
I see they found the deep roads...

I didn’t like garrisons either but the order halls are cooler, but im also a druid and our order halls is in fact awesome. Plus you get druid based quests and all that so if youre super into whatever you main im sure youll enjoy it

had that inner conflict too. Now im torn about which artifact weapon to go for as my 2nd spec, god the decisions!!

not likely they actually loathe each other IRL

Great article! Just a note I have a good friend who works there and he told me ages ago that the off camera fights that Miz and Daniel bryan would have during tough enough were hilarious to him. Short version these two really dont like each other so last night was extremely interesting

i went fast combat tree with alchemy support, can have 2 decotions at once plus 1 or 2 potions up, insane damage, at least on blood and broken bones. Just got back into it and I had to take it off death march...the long loading death screens were getting to me lol

lol not in NYC wtf are you talking about??

well there’s only one way to find out

its come a long way from its “big red machine of death” days of old. oh well. started maining my druid

clearly you have no sense of humor

he didnt do the same thing as yelling fire. No ones life was in immediate danger. There is no need to act like a crazed mob over a dragonite. get your shit together

agreed. All the haters bashing the guy on the video are retarded.

why? shouldn’t all the retards pushing people and acting insane to catch a pokemon not be the ones who need an ass whoopin’

its hilarious, whats not to understand? he caused a stampede of idiots

how you doin’

or they could play any other pokemon game. This game is designed to get people up and moving. Good on your friend for finding a way to do it. Im assuming he didnt have a “woe is me” attistude

The game is called Pokemon GO ffs...

Its’s just obvious, why make a guilt trip article about it? The point is to get kids up and moving instead of sitting around on their gameboys. But now lets guilt them?

there’s nothing to miss, this article just points out the blatantly obvious. So its pointless. Blind people cant enjoy VR will be this guys next article

Just another way for the Chinese goverment to make money on bribes. “oh you want your game to pass inspection? Pay up”