He doesn’t want Supes as a hero, which to me fundamentally misunderstands the character.
He doesn’t want Supes as a hero, which to me fundamentally misunderstands the character.
But will my 7 year old like it? Because he’s calling the shots.
So he’s been working in Hollywood for decades but somehow is completely ignorant of one of the biggest scandals to hit a Hollywood director in all that time? Do you think people in Hollywood don’t talk to each other? I call bullshit.
Nah. A couple of admittedly great sequences don’t make a great movie.
Superman Returns brings back the look and music of the Christopher Reeves films, which is fun. At the same time, it also brings back the idea that Lex Luthor would surround himself with the absolute dumbest people he could find. It has Superman…
And other heroic actions like letting his father and who knows how many other people get sucked up by a tornado and impaling a union trucker’s rig on some telephone poles.
Man, I Feel Like I Know This Woman
I think the thing with Bautista is that the dude has had a *life*. Like, he’s able to reach some deeper emotional depths and express that vulnerability because he has legit pathos in his past, going back to when he was a kid (he grew up poor, witnessed murders in his rough neighborhood, got bullied because his mom was…
Of course it’s the goddamned training. Good training for shit people actually even slightly has the ability to maybe help the shit people be less shit. Shit training for shit people is simply the shit squared that leads to this.
stop asking cops what they think
they are shit beasts who dont deserve to breathe, let alone speak
This former black cop is full of shit. There, I said it.
All cops are bastards.
You can tell from his answers that this was a corrupt cop. He still does the cop thing of looking for a way, any way, to justify this
The sign off is truly the cherry on top “Please don’t refute my argument using facts, logic, or historical precedent". Oh, ok then.
I feel like everyone missed the joke here.
Can we do grammar instead?
“Tyler Massengill” The Ultimate Douche!!!!
Can people just be allowed to enjoy things if they choose?
The pigs want “riots”. If 20 people shove a pig while in a crowd of thousands of peaceful protesters, they will claim a “riot”. Then they will unleash all of the military hardware we have so foolishly given them with our taxes to blind, maim and murder citizens.