
The lore in some of the in-universe collectibles kind of delve into those larger questions about the implications of unlimited state-sanctioned violence against other survivors of a catastrophe.

What do you have against Italicans bro?

This could’ve been prevented if mall security didn’t have to devote so much of their resources to making sure Roy Moore stayed off the premises.

Good for Trump, sticking by his complete lack of principles and basic decency whatsoever.

Funny how this comes a day after the Trump DOJ sues to block the AT&T-Time Warner merger, the ostensible reasons cited for which were all about the exact anti-competitive effects on content distribution that revoking net neutrality would also contribute to.

I can’t think of CP2077 without hearing this song in my head. I can’t hear this song without thinking of CP2077.

Wow. A Kotaku article about EVE describing the results of economic and organizational turmoil that occurred in actual real life. Who’d’ve thunk it.

I was originally under the impression that these cards/unlocks from the loot boxes were consumables, but having played it I can feel slightly better that there is a finite amount of advantages that money/too much time on your hands can buy. Still nonplussed, but at least still leaving the window open to a purchase

To me the animation of the loot crates opening in SWBF2 reminded me a lot of the one in The Division - that hissing gasket oomph sound, opening bang, screen shaking effect, etc.

Also bullshit: Kylo Ren playable as a hero during a Clone Wars-era battle on Naboo.

I imagine AT&T’s lawyers are taking a good long look at batshit Roger Stone’s tweets implying that there would be antitrust scrutiny specific to CNN. Hell this could undermine the government’s case just as badly as Trump did with Bowe Bergdahl’s sentencing.

Well at least the in-game emulations have their original 1940s graphics for historical authenticity.

Yeah, it’s almost like some sort of metaphor for capitalism.

Breitbart and 4chan are there in case you change your mind.

Been getting back into NMS lately since I left my XB1 at my girlfriend’s place - I’ve probably put in 10 hours in the last month, but still have yet to encounter another player.

Great and unexpected pick on Dead to Rights. I’ll have to trek to my parents’ house and see if I can dig it out of the attic.

Sort-of-related question: Has it ever been discussed to have these eSIMs put in a MacBook model?

No, you’re confusing it with Angry Birds Star Wars II, which was prequel trilogy only.

Both when I played it and now, I feel like the level where you sneak inside Hyrule Castle is a bit of a letdown.

That’s how I took them down as Luke in SW Battlefront II.