
As a Kinect owner but non-user, I think it currently kinda sucks to have to quick double-tap and then press Y to save a screenshot. It's just too clumsy and long of a sequence to capture those split-second "Holy Shit" moments that this feature is designed for, especially in the heat of a Destiny raid, COD match, or

You're supposed to begin with "Today" and end with "FML".

Not exactly an earth-shattering new Star Wars character design concept...

Ticket To Ride on the iPad whittled a lot of hours away for my ex and I on a few long car rides (and one Amtrak ride, appropriately, haha) - never played the physical board game, but just looking at it on the screen I could imagine it being quite the chore to keep track of all the cards and game pieces

Creeped out now? Wait til you watch it. Seeing your typical stock SS officer open his mouth and speak in a New York accent was disturbing and electrifying.

#5 seems like an odd choice considering it's an uninhabited rock in one of the most inhospitable places on Earth. How about Northern Cyprus? Kosovo? Nagorno-Karabakh? Sudan?

Great piece Dan. I've always been of the frame of mind that video game violence does much more to prevent real life violence than it does to encourage it - both as a way to take one's frustrations out on virtual characters and to illicit a sense of revulsion toward violence in some of the darker titles (Manhunt,

Xbox One, definitely. It was very boring and had scant few games worth playing in those first months, especially given the lack of backward compatibility to Xbox 360.

Four months into its existence, Destiny is a better, more frustrating, more expansive—and ultimately, expensive—game than it was at launch. It's also very different, because after months of tweaks, it has become clearer than ever who we're really playing against: the people who made it. The player's greatest adversary

Having played (and very much enjoyed) the game, I also have no clue what's supposed to be spoiler-y about that image.

Yes! Got all five topics into one awesome contest entry!

Physical brick? I played Far Cry 4, on disc offline, yesterday and it worked just fine

No opposing argument intended. Just an observation is all.

Used to be so much easier to be pessimistic about the Xbox One's future. Now you need to write really long and increasingly detailed arguments as to why it's still doomed, even going so far as to calling basic tenets of capitalism "fire-sale tactics".

St. Patrick's day parades on Long Island are typically always on a set day of the week/month (i.e. First Sunday in March) rather than, and they're always a town-wide shitshow. I'm not sure how it is across the rest of the country, but I can say with a high degree of certainty that they're the drunkest days of the year

Is there any possible way SWTOR could be stripped down and retooled to work on consoles and still be playable? It's a fucking shame we never got KOTOR III, and kind of a shitty move on EA/BioWare's part that they forwent it in favor of this apparent shitshow.

Now that's different from what it originally sounded like, but either way, the longer this game takes the less sense it makes to put it on last gen consoles.

Wait, you "lost" it an as exclusive? And that was an outrage?

Oh man! Oh man! Oh man! Do I wait until they port this to current gen or just bite bullet and buy it for my barely functioning wreck of an Xbox 360?

God bless you die-hard haters, I hope you stick around this entire gen.