Personally I’d much rather have any 1996 manual C4 over the C5. The C5 looks restrained, neutered almost. It’s not a bad looking car, but it’s not as out there as a Corvette should be. And that’s just the exterior, the interior is flat out worse than the late C4 in every way.
Also, there are those who say the LT4…
Plus, now we know that if it doesn’t meet emissions requirements they can just lie, what with everyone only focusing on diesel emissions ATM.
I was selling fireworks this past year and I saw an old guy with a BLUE one and he actually wound out all of 1st and 2nd gear when I asked him to
This example was still funny because there was a nice little twist to it, plus the bird
That 4cyl actually performed quite well in that car.
Also, I’m pretty sure that was the only color they sold the Milan in
My friend’s father has a Milan, and while it’s a nice car, it honestly does feel exactly like a well optioned Fusion of similar vintage. I think you could get a decent deal on them back in the day though, considering Mercury wasn’t long for the world.
I think its pretty much all in the headlights. They’re just.... ugh. So bad.
I thought the coke mirror was standard on all Vectors?
The drivetrain and all the technical facts of the EB110 are fantastic but then they went and made it look like a fucking vacuum cleaner, it’s even uglier than the Veyron.
Ah yes, the South Florida Special interior option. Classy.
Just now seeing the parallels...
My Uncle had one of these. Can confirm it is way too fast for it’s own good, and I loved it.
Motorcycle companies need to stop making bikes that incite strong desire for me to buy. I’m trying to live past 30, and now that there’s more than ridiculous BroBusas and chromed out Harleys to ride, my non sensible side is starting to gain ground. This and the damn Street 750 are incredibly sexy bikes, and while both…
You can do it yourself now. I actually think it looks good on a car like this.
I will throw a fit though if anyone decides to bring back whitewalls
Did people not like Spectre? I thought it was a great modern interpretation of the classic Bond style, and as far as the Craig movies go, only outdone by Casino Royale (which is one of my all time favorite movies bar none). Of course, I’ve been wrong before, but only twice.