Swayze Train GTi

I’ve never driven one, but if you ask me, job #1 of a cheap car is reliability, and they don’t seem to do that well. I worked with a girl who had a manual non turbo and it was a dog, it couldn’t beat my 1.6 Miata off the line. I think they’re kinda cool looking little cars, but they don’t actually do the cheap little

I guess the whole transmission dying in 2 weeks thing stuck in my mind a bit hard, sorry. Plus I kinda hate the Spark.

Anyways when you said “new” American cars I was thinking you were talking about the ones they were just rolling off the lot now, and disregarding the longetivity of some of the 90s and most of the

Oh man I used to do that all the time when I had my Miata. Rich town, lots of S2ks driven by cranky old men.

It just isn’t...

Uh. You just said yourself the Sonic was a Korean captive import. Sure GM sells them, but if you’re going to pick an example of bad American build quality, pick an American car at least.

Oh and for the record they’re not as bad as you think, the only American car we’ve owned that didn’t make it well past 200k with

I’ve come to realize that its not the Camry we hate, it’s the Camry’s driver. Obviously they’re not all bad, but the Camry is the car generally driven by people who wouldn’t drive if they didn’t have to. Consequently, it’s always a fucking Camry.

On the other hand my aunt has an XV40 gen Camry and aside from the radio

While writing an upcoming piece I figured out that GM still makes the W-Body, we’re going on 30 years now. Might be one of those culprits you mentioned, the Impala Limited. Although it’s rental/fleet only

It seems to me the Smart’s rear crumple zone should be referred to as “the occupant’s spine”

....So what you’re saying is the final fate is unknown. That’s just the last known thing that happened to it.

Just because it only has 2 seats and whatever suspension that is, doesn’t make it feel good to drive... I mean look at the wheelbase for god’s sake. Furthermore it looks less safe than my Miata. At least that had something more than glass and a prayer between me and someone who rear ends me.

I think Brosnan did a great job being a suave Bond, but by the end he was really getting screwed by the writing of the films. Die Another Day is my 3rd most hated Bond film behind that racist voodoo one and Moonraker, which is just ridiculous.

Ugh. I don’t think these are the worst designed cars ever, but they really made the 4th gen Mustang look like a Japanese, sort of ricey car. And it’s telling that all the V6 models have been riced accordingly. There’s one in my town with Boss stickers, a bright orange paint job, and spinners. I can’t download the

Cannot unsee

Are you referring to the torpedo tube room itself? Or the tube door being partially unlocked? On the Kursk it was said that the tube door of the original exploding torpedo wasn’t fully sealed.

If memory serves, the torpedo that blew up inside the Kursk was determined to have a faulty weld or something of the sort. However, other information indicates that one of the torpedoes loaded onto the Kursk was dropped during transport, and yet still loaded. It’s quite possible that could have caused the fault on the

“fully loaded”

1st: The question I have is if the production will be good enough. As we’ve seen with plenty of domestically produced Chinese cars, their initial impressions may be alright, but their long-term quality is horrendous. It seems more likely that the design and the materials used would cause it, but the 3rd candidate

If a car is so uncomfortable you’d rather take your Miata for a highway journey, I’d say it’s horrible.

Don’t get me wrong, the Miata doesn’t lose it’s charm on the interstate, but it’s the complete opposite of refinement. Noise from everywhere: The wind (top up or down), the engine buzzing at 4k RPM at 75 MPH, and