a) He’s a moron, I’m glad he’s getting called out.
a) He’s a moron, I’m glad he’s getting called out.
Terribly nouveau riche.
Oh Honey. Hashtagging your clothes to show off your wealth is so vulgar and gauche.
Ah man. I love Michelle Obama. I miss her.
She’s Scottish, really?. We’re usually the down to earth ones. On behalf of the entire Scottish people, we humbly apologize for this self entitled gas bag. It’s accurate to say there’s probably only a handful of people in all of Scotland that would brake if Trump and his administration were crossing the road. The vast…
It’s a flat tax. 6 minutes of sex that can best be described as ‘uncomfortable’ with a dude who looks like a well-dressed suburban Ohio middle school vice principal, every Saturday at 8:30 pm on the dot. But you can write off the 4 martinis required to get you pleasantly fuzzy prior to the act, so there’s that.
Either as an individual earner in taxes OR in self sacrifice to your country?
Ugh. Ross always had the ability to be nice, but *always* let his insecurities and baggage get in the way when they were together.
That’s a great example. Will and Grace is really awful in retrospect.
Not if the pictures were obtained and published without the celebrity’s consent.
I definitely do not want non-consensual nude photos of Tiger Woods. Don’t look at non-consensual nude photos of anyone, people.
A celeb dick pic is ALWAYS a pic I want to see.
They’re protecting Tiffany? Wonder if Trump knows about that.
By far the most important thing to know about Hogg is that he named his daughter “Ima.” I’m serious.
And his writing of women in recent years hasn’t been all that, either. I’ve got real issues with the way he’s written Black Widow (Whedon did Avengers and Age of Ultron). Whedon’s Widow is consistently more emotionally fragile than the character appears in pretty much every other movie in the MCU. In the others she is…
Naw, that’s the first Mrs Rochester’s bedroom.
We had this in our old house but that was because the wind would blow that door open after the house settled. It was built in the 20's.
Poverty. My grandparents lived in a house built in the 1890's, and were what my mom called “the working poor”. Meaning, despite working full time, they were poverty stricken. They created little solutions like the lock in your example all the time to solve a problem, because they couldn’t just go out and buy…
Because the door frame is often out of square, it’s tough to get the door to latch firmly. Replacing the knob doesn’t help. It seems super creepy but is actually a cheap practical solution in old houses.