
I used to take plenty of psychedelics and never had a single problem with guns.  You know why?  Cause guns are fucking stupid is 2022 people get over this shit.  You’re born with the dick you’re born with. Go buy a flashy car or something ya damn idiots!  I never had a problem cause I never entered them into the

Naw, I bet they’re just winging that part and hoping everyone forgets how easily provable that kind of thing is.

What’s your approach to an adult man with an automatic rifle pointed at you while tripping balls?

What’s irrational about lining the bed of my trusty ole S-10 pickup truck bed with a blue tarp and filling it with unleaded to drive home and save?? I’m thinking ahead!”

haha. Car companies and dealers are widely known by people young and old to be a bunch of sleazy sales douches that will routinely rip off anyone that walks through the door. I can’t even believe you’re a real person, you must be a company stooge in here as a plant. You may even be part of the freedom convoy, that is

Bro. My tax dollars saved those companies in the form of a huge government bailout. They are ‘too big to fail’ national machines propped up with the full force of the government. They create mass, generic products.

Oh, buddy..... I don’t need saving, especially from you. Did you have any thoughts about GM’s recent history of filing for bankruptcy? I mean, Stellantis is a new name for Chrysler, which also filed bankruptcy a decade ago. These were your big examples.

Far smarter than this phrase, “Did you really thought”.  I actively think, rather than reflect on times when I used to think.  Here’s a thought, try thinking a little harder next time.

Sorry, I thought I was talking about a quality product, when I used the words, “the product is very very good”, not just talking about a money printing machine.

How about those two still being together, eh?! WOW. It’s a little ironic she’s concerned with the toxins considering the likelihood of her willingly injecting them into her face and lips.  But you’re wondering if she’s just trolling?  Wonder on, wonderbread!

So... Time to buy Rivian stock....  The product is very very good.  

Oh man. I run too. None of this was based on science. It reads much more like a lazy ass sitting on the couch providing disingenuous reasons for continuing to be a fat drain on our collective healthcare system.


Vom, too! Don’t forget the gut acid and partially absorbed natural light spewed all over this foreboding commode.


Top notch word-smithing.  

Yea, I’m an Illinois native!  *makes devil hand symbols, sticks out tongue* “yeaaaaaaaahhhh fuckers!”  

I also just saw one in person this past week while in town for a work convention. It was awesome. Very striking to see in person, and from just being able to give it a quick up and down look over it was everything I have been reading about and maybe even more due to the intrigue. As an Illinoian, I gotta say I’m

So you speak for all POC?  Listen.  I know the police are really just old slave patrols, k.  I know the history forwards and backwards.  If you cannot recognize this dumbass is, to steal a phrase, clout chasing off a dead man’s legacy, then fuck you.  You actually do harm putting your support and resources behind

FR>. Have not you heard of Planopnik?