
I’m calling bullshit on you.

Who?  like from american idol?  do people put stock into what insta-celebs and reality tv people think?  Seems pretty dumb!  People from tennessee?  cmon!

Since 1890 Pikes Peak has officially been spelled without the possessive apostrophe. The U.S. Board of Geographic Names has removed nearly all apostrophes from place names for uniformity and ease of signage. Colorado’s Longs Peak also lacks the apostrophe.

Why?  Naked greed.  Also why?  Our culture peaked a while ago and we have literally become parody of our worst inclinations, paired with maintaining absolutely ZERO standards for anything anymore, be it where information comes from, or the shit we put in our bodies.  Why not, at this point, go outside, in public,

Just an fyi on Illinois.  All the rich, trump-cultists-whites left Illinois early on in the pandemic when their special children weren’t allowed to play sports in a pandemic due to the Democrats, thankfully, running the state.  So, the whites lost in Illinois, I say good riddence, and enjoy the backwaters you thought

Just so you know-that is 100% a fresh water, great lake, most likely Michigan or whatever the hell they call the Detroit one....Huron, Erie or St. Clair?, they’ve taken photographs with surf boards to FOOL YOU, SUCKA!  Who thinks I’m wrong?

The Van Gogh exhibit is spectacular.  Did a yoga class through the first presentation, then came back to just sit and enjoy it for a second round.  Definitely would recommend to anyone.  I hope the upcoming Banksy exhibit can compete.

With a Russian Kalishnakov.  Maybe in the old, shitty america trump created.  I’d like to think some of us here, are way better than this.

I’d like to add-this now DOUBLES the number of components needed to steer the vehicles, right? More stuff to break no doubt on these behemoth vehicles.

Love how they created a stupid gimmick that literally is a requirement to have now due to the sheer ludicrous size and inability of their giant ass trucks and suvs to be able to execute a regular turn on a normal american road.  

Where’s the AMC/JEEP/Chrysler 4.0 L Inline 6?!

I work in a Safe School where most of my students score at least a 5 on the ACES. Many are in the 7-8 range. This stuff is as real as it gets and this is the crux of our mental health problem in America. I feel privileged to work in a school that prioritizes building positive relationships with students and families

I’ll stan for Obama all fucking day.

3/5ths you stupid motherfucker.

Correct me if I’m wrong here because I don’t know much about the buying and selling of cars trucks suvs etc. I’m a capable gearhead and like 4x4s and am ready to ditch my family sedan for the baby and I would like a new Ranger. I cannot imagine paying over 40k for a light pickup even fully trimmed out with an off-road

Massive debt and a sense of undeserved entitlement?  Hang on.   I’ll read the article.

SO they’re of the opinion it would be better to send a less qualified athlete to the world stage so we could have our US ass whipped to world renown in the competition, than to have her not stand at full attention for symbolic, nationalistic, gesture?

Just curious if you could answer the question: which culture’s style is she supposed to be dressing in, according to you? You know, in order to not be appropriating? The bindis thing has me wondering as well as the criticism of the Kahlo dress. Is she not from Southern California? Pretty heavy Latin influence on just

At least this car is honest about its intentions; to get some rich asshole drunk enough to drive it around recklessly and without care for other, lower human beings, as God intended. 

Who wants to survive covid with a broken dick anyways?