
No, they had the balls to make the movie no one else had made yet. The movie you’re talking about has been made a jillion times in a jillion ways. This is the thing that took courage. The changes you’re suggesting were, I guarantee you, made by the studio executives at least a million times.

It is if that’s the message. I don’t think it is. I think it puts the question to us: if our options in life were either a) live a fraught and solitary life of resentment until you die, or b) forgive someone who did something awful to you for the sake of a peaceful and happy life, which would you choose? Which could

Ummmmmmm no way!

This somehow proves he’s a fraud? This proves the allegations aren’t real? Forgive me, but it seems to prove the opposite.

I want their children to rise up and disown them. There’s a vacancy for an evangelist with a real message of Christian tolerance. The children of evangelicals, raised in so-called Christianity and told with a straight face that Christianity is about love and moral rectitude, must be horrified by their own parents.

I am in agreement with the sentiment here, fundamentally, but with respect, I think it’s similar—not in degree at all, but in some important respects—to the “all lives matter” mistake.

Personally, I think it’s not enough. That this is considered radical is a tragedy. If you ask me, this should be the low bar.

My wife and I (white) have a BLM sticker on our car. Actually it’s not a sticker, we just made it in Pages and printed it out and taped it to the car.

Sometimes things go the right way. Hard to remember, for me, given the times. Thank you for giving this a headline.

Sorry, am a wypipo, I read the whole article to try to learn the implications of the term “donkey,” and couldn’t I suss it. Would anyone mind explaining it, or is that an inappropriate kind of thing to ask in this forum?

I want a national movement where we pour pig’s blood on any vehicle with an NRA sticker.

Man, even his own lawyers haven’t figured Trump out. The best way to get him to do something is to tell him not to do it. Doing the opposite of what people say is what makes him feel smart.

There are two kinds of Republicans: the ones who know it’s all a lie, and the dupes. Intelligence seems to have nothing to do with which one a person is.

Context matters. Using the n word can be oppressive or transgressive or congenial or revolutionary, and more. People who are offended by his use of it may have an insistence that it only be used in one of those ways. Most directors—and people for that matter—only use it in one of those ways. Tarantino uses it all of

The reason police officers get away with killing black people is a very specific Supreme Court ruling. It says the only thing an officer can be judged on is the specific evidence available in the single moment of discharging a weapon, and if that evidence can be plausibly described as fear-inducing, the officer is

Tarantino is one of the few white directors willing to take an honest look at slavery. Sure he did it through the lens of a genre bloodbath, but the single redeemable white person in that film was a foreigner.

There is a level of mass-self-deception going on in regards to the Trump administration that will be worthy of study for decades to come.

I just find the problem intractable: if you don’t know Trump’s an idiot, you’re an idiot. I don’t know how to be civil about it.

Jesus Christ, these people irritate me.

The Singularity is a joke.