Jelly Jam Jim Johnson

TM should of got renewed, it was just Green wanting to keep his Robot Chicken cash cow fed.

Where will Edge go damnit???

I'd like to borrow some of that crack you were smoking when you think this crock of balls is scarier than the films.

I'd like to see your tits my dear!


If a broken nose leads to Undashing John Cena, I'll be game for it.

It's been a GHAST answering you!

DIE yes it is!

I hope Cesaro finds success in the coming months, he just looked so natural as the #3 face behind Cena and Orton.

Would you guys be willing to start doing classic reviews for Tales from the Crypt? It'd be killer!

Cena's probably having his best run since 2007, nothing but great matches he's been having since he became U.S. champ

Or Regular Show.


Probably at the Tokyo July 4th show to Finn.

Really think you guys should do some reviews for Lucha Underground and Ring Of Honor. Hell, for the LOL factor, thrown in TNA. I'm just glad you guys are bringing wrestling to the site!

Is this real life????

