
But we can still joke about him being viciously beaten and shanked, can't we? Can we PLEEEASE have something, anything?


Glad to see I'm not the only one who remembers All Creatures — hell, it even got me to read the books!

How would we discourage it, cry, "Shame shame!" every time someone takes a nom de net we dislike?

Bonkers (bonkers) Totally nuts!
(bonkers) No if's And's or But's!

I saw the first two films on Netflix, and enjoyed them immensely. The kind of films you don't have to watch in one big chunk— which makes sense, now that I understand they were cut down from a series— and a pleasant afternoon.

But— but, Rappin' Granma!

Saw it, loved it. Force yourself to go see it.

Just saw John Wick 1 the other week, I don't usually like bang-bang movies, but this one genuinely kicked my ass.

Pretty good. Just got an art commission, — the usual, huge-boobed girl meets guy, beats him up and grabs his schlong, then the guy's girlfriend walks in. It's a prequel to this guy's last commission. So I spent the money on groceries and a sushi/sashimi lunch.
On the other hand, just got back from my comic shop,

I'm looking at Agents of Mayhem, but I want to know more about it.

Strongly recommend GTAV. Yeah, still.

Bought a good beer at a new place downtown, then waited for the $1.00 tacos (Tuesday). Victory Monkey Sour, or something like that. While waiting, noticed a fly doing the backstroke in my beer. Casually mentioned this to the bartender, and he gave me another beer. After eating and leaving, I checked out the receipt

Yeah, just Secret Shopper shit reaches out to me.

He's also a regular on British panel shows, like 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown and the like.

Still unemployed here, but at least getting interviews now that summer is ending and the college kids are all resigning their jobs and going back to school.

STRONGLY recommend Indeed.com over, say, the local newspaper. Many more results.

Is this the English wit David Mitchell? I enjoy his columns in The Observer.

Just finished Death by Black Hole by Neal Degrasse Tyson, and wondering if he's got anything more recent. Great writer, great explicator.

Finally got to see Ghost In the Shell a couple nights ago. GodDAMN whoever convinced me to skip it in the theater.