
Howz about not fucking up our own planet?

Call me back in a century or two, if we're still alive.

I don't have a pot connection either :(

And a sexy vampire, don't forget the sexy vampire!

And this, folks, is why I don't do drugs. Not being "square" or straight-edge, it's just I don't have a personal connection and shit like this scares me away from buying from strangers.

Wait til you get to the '70's! WW loses her powers and becomes a karate girl, then goes through a seriously misogynistic period.

Scored a new(ish) Lovejoy novel by Jonathan Gash— Faces in the Pool. The plot is a little thick,mostly serving as a rickety platform for Lovejoy's wit and knowledge of antiques. Good stuff though.

Actually took the trouble to walk across town to the library yesterday, and was rewarded with a new(ish) Lovejoy novel, Faces in the Pool.

Aw man. What a bummer.

Only takes one MRA/ rape apologist to fuck up a jury. Judging from letters to the editor in my local fishwrap, the apologists, male AND female, are rife.

Used to work there. Yes, they DO treat employees like shit.


As a PS4 guy, looks like all I'll be getting is Beyond G&E2. But damn, it looks worth it!


It's "drunk" vs "unconscious, blacked-out zonked". Drunk always loses.

The late Patrice O'Neal?

Thank you. I am so sick of people saying, "He was never funny," as if discovering he was a rapist all along somehow altered the time stream. Yeah, he was funny, but I'm not gonna be re-buying all his old comedy albums on cd anymore.

No page 3 girls, for one thing.

The paranoid in me is thinking, "Reichstag fire" about now.

YOU and YOUR party were responsible for a bill that allows the criminally insane to buy guns. YOU!. NOT the left. And yes, Sanders himself denounced this act. But go on and push your agenda.