
Repeat after me: "Both parties are just alike!"

Shit, at least Ulysses Grant had drinking as an excuse.

Uh, Nixon should probably be in that list somewheres.

Trying to remember the name of that guy in The Dead Zone— O YOU know, he was played by Martin Sheen. Something Something.

Been playing this and it's cool.

You gotta remember— a lot of people loved Cosby. The defense is obviously hoping that, "Awww, he's a just a cute, blind old man," plus "HEY HEY HEY," = Not Guilty.

No, let's not rewrite history. He WAS funny, but also a rapist.

So where are all the zombies complaining about their rights?


O good, the Reich-Wingers are here. Shakespeare has a left-wing bias, right.

I hate modern times.

He's do the Bat-tusi.

As a boy, I was disappointed in the BATMAN show, but as I've grown older, it's grown on me like an old friend. Compared to some recent Frank Miller stuff, it's golden.

Just read about it on Facebook, came here expecting a big article!

He's talking suicidal ideation.

I hope Ricky Coogin watches that video.

She got better!

I'm backing a boxing porn artist on Patreon, AFCombat. Great stuff, and he's helping me improve my art as well.

CHRIST, I'm 53! If I can do it, YOU can!

Warning— hard to find. He's not what you'd call a major author.