
Is there any nerdophile who DOESN'T love Flo?

Does Steve Harvey count? I don't know if it's his omnipresence, his complete lack of funniness, the fact that he changed Family Feud into single-entendre humor, the only thing I like about him is that Death-Of-The-Soul expression on his face when a Family Feud guest gives a stupid answer.

Like I said at the time, NBC should take him off news and put him on SNL Weekend Update.

THIS!!!! And the worst of it is— while I don't have to watch any FOX news or CNN, every God. Damned.Time I go into the break room at work the TV is playing either his syndicated snake oil or Steve fucking Harvey. At least my heart goes out in thanks to whoever finally dumped Dr. Phil.

These days, he'd have to prove it.

One from a lesser episode, but always applicable— "You have made a very powerless enemy."

I recall a True Blood bit entitled "True Mud".

I had a pull string doll of Tom (with Jerry sitting on his thumb) that talked. Freaked me out that the cartoons didn't talk.

She just doesn't want you wiping your "stuff" on the towels.

Counterpoint: don't have it pressing against the rim unless your seat/rim seal is watertight and it never is.

You kidding? Grace Jones, baby!

I made the mistake earlier of living in Philadelphia. Damn near killed me. Moved to Lancaster at the earliest opportunity.

Nevermind the bird! Follow the river!

Enjoying the hell out of Avalanche and thanking whatever Gawds there are that the presence of Rock Hudson doesn't inspire the obvious jokes.

Anybody following the Nazi Furry crisis?
Tax-Dodging Nazi Sovereign Citizen Furries Forced To Cancel Denver Furry Convention.

Just don't pick up one with a hermit crab inside. Ouch!

Yeah, now they don't even have those, at least on Netflix. Wish I had TCM.

I bet his loofah will falafel.

I always wanted Hannity to run into scissors.