
I saw the end for CNN's "non-biased" reporting when Corey Lewandowski was jumped from the Trump campaign to CNN Talking Head.

It wasn't corporate malfeasance that brought Trump to national power, it was hunger for page-clicks and ratings. Everybody loves a freakshow.

As I've said before, I shouldn't have to go to freakin' FACEBOOK to find out about the Standing Rock protest. I shouldn't have to dig deep to find that one Presidential candidate's going on trial for CHILD RAPE in December.

". . .since the 80's. . ."? Try since at LEAST the Nixon admin; Spiro was blaming the press and praising the "Silent Majority" back in the early 70's.

I read the Front page, the editorials and the funnies of our local paper, just to find out what's happening. The only Cultural or Political sites I visit are this one and Wonkette. As I've said before, Wonkette is only tolerable (besides the fact that they usually agree with me) because it swings the ban-hammer down

Would that be a Chris on Infinite Earths?

Is it the same as the last-gen version, but with prettier graphics? No thank you, not jumping down THAT time-hole again.

That's Bill Pullman, you fool!

Well, that's what I meant— I CAN'T sit around and wait for the DVD on this one.

Yeah, looks like I can't just wait for dvd on this one.

Probably wants to do it to FINALLY get his copyright on it.

When the justification behind 90% of zombies movies is, "They're cheap to make," what do you expect?

Ahem, Weekend At Bernie's 2?

Count Floyd's comin' for YOU!

So why am I reading about Standing Rock on FB and not hearing it on my 5:00 news?

ALL of H-B's output through the 70's was an attempt to copy Scooby-Doo— There was Clue Club, Captain Caveman, Fang-Face, the New Schmoo, hell even their attempt at Plastic Man was the same ol' crap.

Naw, my rule of thumb was this: ANIMATION IS ALWAYS BETTER THAN LIVE ACTION.

Yeah, I loved it too. Broke my heart when I actually saw it as an adult. Awful, BUT THE SONGS WERE STILL COOL! Chika-BOOM, dontcha just love it?

Tomb of Dracula was the BEST Marvel horror comic! Thank you, Marv Wolfman (no joke).