
There's nothing wrong with demanding a new therapist. I had to do it after my old therapist was unable to meet me on almost any weekday I had off.

Getting a lot of calls from some Indian dude claiming to have a caucasian name and telling me he's from "the Windows Technical Support" and he needs all my private information to make sure I'm not virused. It's reached the point where I hear an Indian saying, "Hello, my name is Trevor," or some such, I holler out,

I traded in No Man's Sky AND Dishonored and still couldn't afford that damn game.

Wonkette.com has a cool comments section, mostly because they monitor and banhammer with gusto.

People who do this shit are probably Trump supporters.

NY Post has about as much credibility as the Enquirer.

2nd week studying Blender 3D software, and maybe my last, if I can't figure out Unwrapping UV maps and Blender Render. Watching Constantine tonight.

Not enough white viewers. Obviously.

Go find all of the late Richard Thompson's Cul de Sac strip you can. Best strip about kids since Calvin&Hobbes.

Just recently rewatched that, and it's incredible how "The Bells of Notre Dame" and "Hellfire" hit me even harder now. Aaaand then they fuck it up with the singing/dancing gargoyles.

God yes, and the Two-Face episodes.

That was close, man. For a moment there, I thought I'd found Patton Oswalt's secret identity here on AVClub.

I'm finally old enough to understand all the references in classic Loony Tunes and Pogo comic strips. Hell, I'm even downloading Bing Crosby songs, and not the Christmas numbers either. Der Bingle had a great jazz voice.

THANK you. In all the fuss about Metzger, I never learned that part!

BLOCK USER is your friend.


Is. . . . is it actually POSSIBLE to be banned from Breitbart? Is there something so low, so sick and vile, that could get you removed?

Was Gore Vidal cremated? Be fun to mix up their ashes and let 'em fight it out for eternity.

Did they decide it was enough to go to the police?

Buproprion. I'm also doing Paxil and Abilify. Your mileage may vary.