
Heh. Hee heh heeheh

Ugh. Was planning on seeing this. Not now.

Porkchop Cash is dead, I think.

Meh, lemme know when the musclewomen start.

Hey, I LIKED Blansky's Beauties!

Penny was his SISTER? I always thought she was his daughter? RIP anyway.

And the crap-bomb fuse is lit.

At this point, it's more of a "Who Disgusts You More" competition. I like Hillary over Trump, but she hasn't done a lot to make herself attractive to voters. It's not enough to say, "I'm not HIM!"


Hellraiser quotes always get an upfist.

Penny Dreadful.

Fuck everybody who runs a "work at home" scam on people looking for work. They don't TELL you it's "Work at Home" at first, at first they're just saying, "We saw your resume online, and we have an offer for you! Are you interested?" And after you've wasted your time by answering Yes, they drop the kicker that it's

The Extreme Right, like the Extreme Left, is forever in search of ideological purity. Given an actual Right victory, they'll tear themselves apart like Stalin and Mao.

Depression is what holds me back; not depression-sadness, but depression-"I just need another few hours nap." Also known as laziness.

I picked up Kingpin, and hated it. Ugly, UGLY art, and this Civil War thing looks like the "heroes" are going to be as corrupt and rotten as the villains.

I went to my (non-local, irregular) comic shop today and the swine didn't have Detective Comics. That was the only thing I was really looking for, since I like the idea of Batwoman, Spoiler, Robin and Clayface(!) getting into a Bat-squad under Batman. And now Batman's been bashed by the bad guys, and the Bat-squad

If he took the RNC with him, I'd allow it.

Didn't get canned for sicking out Monday. Was just too wiped out from the heat to go into a hotbox store and stand for eight hours.

Definitely a red flag, and requiring a LOT of apologies— like, flowers and chocolate-type apologies.

How can something dead die from starvation?