
Yeah, that Adolph Hitler guy never got a nasty remark in the press.

We thought only idiots would vote for Brexit. The moral: never be complacent about the power of stupid people.

I liked the short film— did and said everything it needed to.

Okay, now you're fucking with the WORLD economy, Britain — or should I say, just England, since Scotland and No. Ireland voted REMAIN. This isn't just you fucking up your own economy and the rest of us can point and laugh at you, this is now MY problem.

I hope you're being sarcastic, but I can't tell anymore. Welcome to the global marketplace.

For a man I only heard of later in life— bless you, Coen Bros— I should have seen more of his stuff. To the internets! And RIP.

What are you offering him — love, or a going-away present?

I can't unsee that.

Worst of the bunch still has to be Mary Worth.

When does Hagar show up?

No (further) violence at local Pride Day!

Too broke to buy comics this week, and hoping Future Quest #2 doesn't come out.
Really, REALLY gonna watch Black Swan and Zootopia this week.

Fuck the guys they caught at Lincoln tunnel with guns, ammo, body-armor and more fucking guns, but he wasn't a terrorist. Like they're admitting at this point that it's only "Terror" if the perp is brown.

Pat on the back.

Hey, at least you didn't have to give him the "you're financially screwed" speech. I've had to do that in some jobs, for considerably lower values of "screwed", and I literally just couldn't do it to someone's face.

The publisher of the Globe and National Enquirer tabloids supports Trump, and will go out of his fucking mind to destroy Hillary. It's going to be a loooong summer.

Just saw my schedule for next week. Heavy shit, but that's par for the first week of July course. I seriously overspent on food and drinks on Pride day, so I'm down to about $5 spending money.

I'm familiar with the concept, but fuzzy on the actual act.

At Pride, I found out my Ex has lost a couple toes to diabeetus. Also, one of the best-looking, friendliest queens is "available, but not looking", whatever that means. Well, it means I'm not getting any, that's for one thing.

Back to pics of women wrestling.