
Thinking of buying Heavy Rain off the PS store, simply to kill time until No Man's Sky. Anybody know if it's worth it?

Too depressed and tired for either.

But ours involved less crack.

Man, if he was playing this dirty just for the nomination, can't imagine what his press releases, and the Globe and National Enquirer (same thing, really) will turn into. Slime clean up by the magazine rack!

Had three elderly African-American ladies. Ran up a $300 bill, tried to pay with cash. Only had $150. Tried to pay off the rest with SNAP. Only had $30 on their card. Then tried to pay off the rest with their Visa, but the Visa wasn't activated. They called their bank to try to get the card activated, only to

Well, at least with iCarly he'll have someone to fire all those campaigners.

And Heaven knows, no politician ever broke a promise.

The publisher of National Enq is an asshole buddy of Trump's, like he'd have any other kind.

And lose ugly, too.

It scares me how much I've identified with Oswalt, and now it kills me to know that, even years from now, things will never be the same. I'm only glad he's posting, because it lets me know he hasn't done anything crazy/permanent.

Pretty sure she's dead, for one thing.

If this creep feels entitled to harass and photograph a celeb, what else does he feel entitled to do? Kiss her, grab her, knock her down and rape her ass? No, of course he doesn't feel entitled to all that but if I was a female celeb I'd sure worry about it. Hell, if I was female at all I'd worry about it.

She didn't punch him or have her bodyguards hurt him, so no.

Satan has CHARM. Also, the inverted cross is the cross of St. Peter, who didn't think himself worthy of being crucified like our Lord. The Satanic Cross is a lot more complicated.

When criminals in this world appear
And break the laws that they should fear
And frighten all who see and hear
The cry goes out both far and near
For Under— uh, wrong hero.

I don't think Heaven blew up after Jesus left for Earth. That might have been a better myth, who knows.

What pisses me off is all the people who know damn well how to make Superman work — some even work on his comics! — but they put Zach Snyder in the director's/writers chair. Zach doesn't get it.

Dunno if I've told my Gramma Bunny's Spicy Food story around here yet, but—

I only go to movies alone, and I always go to matinees. So happy I saw all the Star Wars movies, Raiders of the Lost Ark and most of the Marvel movies in a real theater. Kinda regret seeing Hateful 8 in a theater though, it didn't deserve the big screen.

Sooo. . . . NOT based on the Elton John album?