
Seeing that with the name "Other Guy" gave me pause.

Fuck this dark grey weather. Fuck snow and threats of snow that drive the masses insane and drive them to my store. Fuck mentioning "suicidal ideation" to my shrink, although it did get her to assign me a new, supposedly more available therapist.

I swear I WILL watch this dvd of Star Wars Rebels!

In a bowl? Where they also deep fry the bowl?

Funnybooks Thread:
So it's new comics Wed! Any recommendations before I head out to the loving arms of my local?

STILL waiting for goddamn Lego Avengers.

Fuckm the press here for not giving a damn about other countries except Europe.

If we actually get that snowfall, (I'm a sceptic), I'll keep digging through the Welcome to Night Vale novel, and watching Star Wars Rebels.

They're probably just checking if you get a Senior Citizen's discount.

I may have to hit the booze market today, if we really really REALLY get snow this weekend like they're promising/threatening. Then again, every time somebody predicts a snowflake out here the weatherman predicts an Apocalypse.

It's. . . . well, on hold, until I can get the software sources I want. I'm a little cash-poor this week; looking for fighting/wrestling poses for Genesis 3 females, or new models for genesis 2. In DAZ, of course.

(sigh) O Mayday.

One of the ONLY good Smith films, and as others have said, "The closest we'll ever get to Good Omens on film."

Like a dog chasing a car— we piss on his tires.

I'm looking at YOU, Mick&Keef.

Tex Avery gets no respect. He had class too, dammit!

"HERE'S a wrinkle Errol never thought of!"

Still prefer Wabbit of Seville.

Admittedly, this doesn't hit me as hard as Bowie, but you couldn't escape his music when I grew up. His stuff was, by a certain definition, "cool".

This is getting fucking ridiculous.