Swagstallion's Lost Burner Key

Exactly, my thought was “Ohio huh? This place going to face hundreds or thousands of charges of murder? No?”

Well this took a hard turn..

When I see a bucket of chicken I think... I want some chicken.

I think, even if a ban on assault rifles were to come to pass, the issue would become bogged down in an unending legal battle as to the definition of an assault rifle.

“Gun fatalism” reminds me of a mindset that I hear in a lot of conversations with people raised in and around Appalachia: that life is hard and the forces of nature are set against you and cruelly indifferent. Shit happens to people. It happens a lot. It’s fire and flood and mudslides and tornados, and now it’s guns

oh god, just fuck off...

Yep, this is purely a millennial issue, and not something our fathers dealt with, or rather, bottled in and never dealt with.

It’s a.....it’s a joke tho

Someone better tell the Klingons! I hear they are testing one that doesn’t need decloaking when firing...

Somebody better tell him cloaking devices vere banned by the Treaty of Algeron.

The Hugfarts are always the first to suffer.


A few things: 1) Pretty sure the opening sermon scene happens AFTER the courthouse scene, timeline-wise. That’s why one says “I do believe the Monsignor’s finally got the point.”
2) Of course he doesn’t recognize the main characters, he was imprisoned before they were old enough to recognize them. They specifically

Nah. I just enjoy engaging in arguments in my downtime. Presupposing “anger” in my responses is about as silly a response as saying, “Well, people are just jerks, so just mute them.”

But, hey, nice red herring you’ve got going there. My emotional state is much more significant than your weak arguments, or the meat of

There absolutely is; this initiative appears to be an attempt to clearly define that distinction, and to enforce it accordingly.

There is a difference between friendly banter/trash talking and being a dick.

I’m going with Option C: the sort of person who doesn’t distinguish between, “behavior was different then because there were potential physical consequences for shit that crossed the line,” and, “I want to punch people in the face for fun.”

Take that Straw Man shit elsewhere.

put me down in the column “team no one”

This Indian would like this story filed to “white people ruin everything.”

And if you refer to yourself as an “influencer,” you ARE the money (wo)men.