I had just assumed it was a ddos because two major games coming out on Friday makes the perfect target.
I had just assumed it was a ddos because two major games coming out on Friday makes the perfect target.
But who’s to say the same thing won’t happen on the PC version later this year?
Fixed that for you.
You do realize that I’m on my computer right now, right?
I’ll probably get Monster Hunter World on PC as well when it launches this autumn, unless I’m bored with it by then heh.
My character looks exactly like it did in the character creator.
I don’t have any complaints heh.
The good news on the eyebrow front is you can change them at your chest in your character’s room.
A child is the ultimate vanity project. Arrogance is imbued into the act.
You should pin your hopes on someone else. There’s no way she’d get elected having been the former head baby killer.
I’m blanking on what it was, but he was fired as Barney for a sex scandal.
Does this work for replicants though
I can’t even imagine how hard it is to fit into those outfits when you’re always retaining water.
Yeah it sucks because of that weird law of physics where, if presented with the choice of two games, the one you don’t pick disappears from existence. Science still can’t explain it.
I wonder what the worst response would be for the men.
Yeah... I had no idea they changed that because after like 65 hours with that game I just have zero interest in playing it more. Got plenty of good times out of it, but their attempts at events for post-game really let me down.
For all the controversy surrounding this game, it always seems like these issues are only discovered by redditors and streamers, who I imagine are probably in the top 10% in terms of hardcore players.
But what about getting poisoned from all the dutch ovens he’s receiving from himself and me at night?
Eh....we literally killed thousands of people for being “witches” in a post-Newtonian age. People have always been incredibly stupid.
I’m very sorry you were (are) subjected to that shit. Speaking as a dude, I honestly cannot fathom doing that to a woman, or even just another human being. I’m in no way perfect or claim to be, but that is simply subhuman. Unfortunately, I’m sure some guys will sink lower. Again, sorry. I can’t think of a mindset that…
This is why I just don't wear pants while talking to someone