Swagstallion's Lost Burner Key

Can you blame people for thinking the administration could be involved, thought? I mean, it isn’t a stretch. It also isn’t a stretch to think it is being done so people will write stories about it, and then people like you (not making a judgement) can comment this has always been the policy so the administration can

I get the impression this administration isn’t above moving the goal post as to what represents falsehoods and misrepresentations since the guy at the top seems to be an absolute master purveyor of it.

Let’s hope she gets a good guardian.

“No,” Rauner replied, when WCIA TV asked during a Tuesday campaign stop if voters should cast ballots for Lipinski over Jones. “The one thing I will say is the person, that guy, Johnson or whatever his name is, should not be on the ballot.”

The whole deal with Polnareff and Alessi was something. 

So it is nothing that the Republican governor of the state won’t tell people not to vote for a Nazi?
No, that’s definitely something.

I’m always forgetting to bring something on a hunt. Usually it is something like bombs, or lifepowder, because I used them up and forget they don’t restock with the restock option because there aren’t any in left my inventory.

The most American anime yet.
Just kidding. The only anime I know is on Toonami. I have no idea if there are more American anime out there. 

Same here. It’s free...so I have no excuse, but I’ve yet to give it a try. My brother brought his Xbone with PUG on it over Christmas, and I had a lot of fun getting my ass killed in that game.

Criminy. I can’t tell if you’re for real with this “contract” nonsense or, not. Don’t bother telling me.

I find this approach really boring.

Well, I was expecting a little less than full-frontal demon nudity when I opened this article at work, but that’s what I get for expecting anything when it comes to sex games.

Ah, a day that will live in infamy. 

Hey, I pour my milk before the cereal. I pour in little bits of cereal and eat it before it gets soggy. Soggy cereal is the worst.

“Killed him in one hit!” ~Dunkey


I’ll bet almost every last one of them has done something worse, or know friends or family who have, but they find ways to justify it.

Of course, that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t find a way to fix it so these folks looking to make a better life here don’t have to “flout the laws”. I’m not looking for

I talked to one of those third-party “conscience” voters, last night. He hated both Hiliary and Trump equally, so he voted third party “to get more third-party representation”.

What is aggravating is he is against a lot of the shit Trump is doing, but he just couldn’t vote for Hiliary, regardless. I specifically asked

The ideology of the white nationalist and the Nazi is of violence, no matter what they try to say. It isn’t just an unpopular “opinion”. It always advocates the use of violence against non-whites and those who disagree with them, even if they don’t say it. 

Yeah. Stop shoving the fact you exist and want basic rights down my throat. Stop it, I say.

Woah. I remember that commercial.