
What first sentence? do you not understand how your sentence structure makes no sense? Do you not understand how nonsensical your responses are to my previous comments? I'm not even talking about substance, I'm saying you don't know how to put words and sentences together properly. That why I have no idea what your

"seniors or someone older had to buy the beer" uhh not true... "seniors had to serve it to underaged girls" haha hilariously not true. I'm assuming that women's studies degree was from an online school because you have clearly never been to college or, seemingly, even a party. Which makes me sad.

1) well no most weren't 21, the seniors were.. so about 1/3 assuming freshman don't rush.

WHAT!?!?!? ok, nevermind, you are an insane person. Like did you ever go to College? Or a Party? Ever? Most of the boys at the party are under aged too! did it ever occur to you, that girls like to go out and get fucked up too??? like most normal people???

But there can't be rape apologists when there was no rape! it never happened! All your doing is advocating punishing innocent people because you don't like them.

you forgot the notary and signature of two unbiased witnesses!

Why does Jezebel hate fun? why? why? why?

But this is what? the 6th 7th article about Iggy? Nothing on homophobic and anti-Semitic Banks. This is why Gawker/ Jez is full of shit.

1) OP never was dismissive. 2) OP never said he didn't like twitter.

If speaking/ writing in more than 140 characters at a time is "elitism" than I fear for our generation.

Id say this doesn't speak highly of our generation if we cant digest sentences more than 140 characters at a time.

A 3 bedroom house!? don't you know there are homeless people! how dare you buy a nice house you can afford. This is a "moral abomination!" <— this opinion is valid and not to be scoffed at.

Haha the only comments indicative of a 12 year old are yours. "Waaahhhhh people make more money than me! its not faaaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiirrrrr! Waaaaaaahhhhhhh"

And the ad hominem attacks begin, *sigh* so predictable. and yes, you do seem quite "jelly"

I'm not going to defend Hannity. But no Maddow is not a journalist, shes a political demagogue, just like him, and just like you. (and there are plenty of hacks with shiny trophies in their rooms).

"he could buy a house anywhere else for 100K that's just as good if not better?" Did you read the article!? that house is siiiiick! And 100k!? I don't know where you live, but in Boston 100k will get you a shitty condo. Like, do you seriously think you can get a legit mansion in a real city for less than a million?

Not valid, totally scoffable. No one is obligated to donate shit, he earned every penny by inventing something people love. Just bitter people acting all jelly. Simple as that.

How is this show a "broken" system!? He sold like 50 million copies of the game! Are you saying there should be a cutoff!? "Hey sir, you need to stop selling this game, you are making too much money off it" "or hey, you've made too much money, if you keep selling this thing everyone loves that you invented, the

People don't have to justify anything, I think you're the one that's gotta justify that commie drivel your throwing out there. He earned every penny. Sorry that you're Jelly.

he sold minecraft for like 2billion, im sure hes got plenty left.