...or just check the odometer (which they already do) during inspection each year.
...or just check the odometer (which they already do) during inspection each year.
AWD 6MT 323HP Camry.
*provenance, not providence.
TIL: The first gen NSX is a super car.
I bet you’re an absolute joy to hang out with.
We need further exposition.
Darn, totally forgot to get my submission in. Our current garage, erm... driveway, is a 4-Door Wildtrack Bronco and a CT4-V Blackwing. It has been great fun so far, and no reliability issues to speak of.
I disagree. I’ve got the 10-Speed my CT4V BW and its a joy no matter where or how I’m driving it. I can’t speak to Ford’s programming of it but GM, Cadillac specifically, has worked magic with it.
I think the bigger issue in that scenario is that the vehicle is electric, so...
A preposition ia a word with which one should never end a sentence.
“Hey Norfolk Southern! Hold my beer ouzo....”
Torch and Tracey have the Autopian.
Who’s getting worked up?
Only in the state of California, or something...
The Flex is 100% a station wagon, I don’t care what the sticker said when we (my wife) bought it.
Thanks, I hate it.
We picked up the wife’s Bronco in early May. OTD $59k - $30k down payment. $29k @ 3.04% for 48 months is ~$619/month I think. But I hate having a car note so we’re paying $3575/month and it will be paid for in January. I know lots of people will say I could beat that 3% in the market, but I’m debt averse so I like…
Ford should recall that thing based on looks alone.