
He said less than $3000+. Cheap-Bastard was toying with him.

200,000 out of 7,700,000,000. We’re doomed.

LOL, okay guy. Ford.com won’t let you spec a single cab with a short bed. Your numbers were also bullshit. What exactly have you added to this?

Wait, Ford will charge people more money to add options? I didn’t see that in any of the leaks.

Hmmm... According the ford.com that I’m directed to a single cab short bed is a combination that is unavailable. A super cab with a 6.5' bed is shown for $32,830, though, so...

I just might give that a try!

There’s a place here in Houston that was featured on DDD and their food is absolutely outstanding. In 4 or 5 attempts I’ve still been unsuccessful in obtaining any of their saltfish fritters but I will continue to try.

Oh, the horrors!

So, cobbler with an eggy batter.

Pretty sure that’s John Kasich.

It really couldn’t be much easier.

...something something... animal style.

I once watched a, um, short film called Glazzzed For Days. It had nothing to do with donuts or weed. It did go beyond just the meat, though.

Beth would have you believe that it is, in fact, racist if the person using said wordplay is white.

Beth would have you believe that it is, in fact, racist if the person using said wordplay is white.

Hmm. Duncan has pouch. I always thought he was a dude.

Kim Jun-un?


Makes sense to me. How is this any different than someone with hearing loss driving a vehicle?

Now it’s a Ford Flex.