
What’s with the name calling? You don’t like it when people call your bullshit what it is, do you?

You had so much going for you in that first sentence, and then it just devolved into hot garbage. This is why we can’t have nice things. People like you on both sides are ruining it for the rest of us.

Are all conservatives named Mike Pence?

What does anybody else’s tolerance of racism, bigotry or sexism have to do with my morals?

How many conservatives do you personally know that dislike gay people? Or are you the kind of liberal that won’t associate with a conservative under any circumstance, despite the liberal mantra of “Acceptance!”?

I was unaware we were judging large swaths of people based on a small sampling. When did this start? It seems I have to back-date some opinions of mine.

I’m currently infatuated with smoked paprika right now. I’m probably using it too often to be honest.

Why? Do conservatives dislike gay people?

Pejorative term referring to the children of the nouveau riche.

It’s more likely that the anti-caking agent in the cheese at Taco Bell is cellulose, and not corn starch. Considering that there are probably hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of people that eat pre-shredded cheese from the grocery store every single day that uses cellulose to keep it from caking, what exactly

That stuff they serve at Taco Bell that looks like meat, cheese and tortilla? It’s meat, cheese and tortilla. I was poking fun at yet another internetter acting like the food at Taco Bell is something other than food.

Exactly, and on S07E02, when she slapped him for cheating on her on S04E05, the look on his face was priceless. That was the best episode that Danny Elfman ever composed music for.

You mean meat, cheese and tortilla?

It would be much better if they didn’t take home anything additional in their paychecks. Because then gas prices wouldn’t have gone up. Or something?

He’s not an athlete.

Put your head between your knees while sitting, or bend at the waist far enough to achieve the same position while standing, and the blood will flow to the top your head, stopping brain-freeze almost immediately.

I thoroughly enjoyed reading that, thanks.

That’s what she said?

I’m about to pull the trigger on a BRZ tS. I’m now a bit torn...

A Costco hot dog with the bun is 552 calories. 1104 calories is not like 1600 calories. Also, it’s none of your business what he eats.