
Yeah, people forget that rock stars tend to be moody, fickle, and weird. Catholics may have forgotten that after years of being told John Paul II was a rock star because once he wore sunglasses with a beret and another time he went skiing.

Ehhh. On average, more conservative than others — though the mean difference is probably swamped by the much larger variability in outlooks. And only "conservative" in a really modern sense of the word, what might better be described as "neoconservative," which Belardo definitely, definitely isn't.

I suspect Sandor might take Brienne's place at the end of Lady Stoneheart's noose — or whoever is called in to replace Lady Stoneheart (perhaps just a now-much-degraded Beric Dondarrion).

It was great to see the Tower of Joy scene, but it was definitely a victim of the show's rushed pace. The scene in the book was beautiful, slow, melancholic, apocalyptic: here was the end of the world Ned had grown up in and loved, a world of honor and chivalry and loyalty, a world he was now helping to pull down.

Yeah, having rewatched, I agree, it is from Darryl's perspective.

Yeah, that was nonsense. If that was the ending to Rick's story, what was the beginning? Where was this story the whole time?

I'm guessing body-building white-collar hedge fund criminal turned prison gang lord.

Pretty sure those opening scenes are from Negan's perspective while he's waiting in the RV — notice light streaming in from the bullet holes in its side. (But I'm not positive, need to rewatch first… that would be a pretty cool clue huh?)

At least 43, actually (I counted).

Anyone else think Michonne stabbing Ron like that was terribly irresponsible? There's a reason snipers don't usually take out people strapped to bombs with their thumb on a detonator: death has a way of causing muscle contractions. She could've, yanno, nudged him out of the way, then stabbed him. She's badass and

Oh, cool, thanks for the update. I hadn't stuck around to watch TD.

Yes, he should — I thought this some time ago. This is at least the third time that Carl or someone Carl loves was gravely injured or killed because Carl or someone Carl loves didn't pull the trigger when they had a chance. Now he's lost an eye, and the exact same eye the Governor lost.

Well, it looks like there is an exit wound or trail of some kind streaking out to the right, away from his eyeball. Is it possible the bullet simply grazed him? Or, coming in at an angle, hit bone and deflected?