Can I play a female?
Can I play a female?
Northhampton? Man needs to move, if those are his views. Unless, I guess, he wants to be dressing up as Bowser and protesting _every_ weekend. Northhampton, when I went to a conference near there (and would've visited had I not had food poisoning, grr), was described to me as the place having the greatest…
Unsolicited awesomeness is the best kind. I hope they find him.
@jamesjohnson01: I'd say whatever crap they put out recently, if crap they did put out, can be forgiven for the massive amount of fantastic text adventures they used to do, and which they've now released in big 'ole lovely packages.
In the background there's that wood-slatted waterfront (ad-hoc waterfront?) and the whirlpool, which reminds me of Waterworld. The cheekbones on that fellow are rather intense; perhaps the "not for all" bit is cashing in on the pseudo-fad of inventing races and giving them tensions and claiming you are first to do so…
Always with the frozen grimace.
@FarmboyinJapan: Agreed re: sticky smelly timing. And I have yet to enter a building in this country that was ever generous with its air conditioning. Cool Biz is great until you inhale.
@svetlana: *out of the country since her Peace Corps days
@FarmboyinJapan: I second that! ...Unless we are supposed to have access. And passes. Of which I have neither. But I do live here. And enjoy food and drink.
@Chewbenator: When you spend large parts of your day lumbering nakedly through the woods, pieces of flair = everything.
Laugh if you want! This is great news for druids. Only a minor mesh tweak and a color change? Sure. But MMOs aren't exactly a cornucopia of character-based visual variety. You take what you can get. And, it's true, I was always mildly frustrated with the half-assed approach the game originally took toward forms.…
(un?)fortunately, I missed out on the proctologist tales. But think what you guys are missing out on: stirrups, calipers stored in drawers and the perpetually too-late "how will I know when you hit the—JESUSGODOW!" And you all at least get to wait till you're 50. Soon as your tadpoles come knocking at our doors,…
Soon as the screen loaded I thought "Zuh? They've redone SimSafari?!" Which would have been fine with me actually. I think it filled a cultural hole in the lives of my sister and me, as kids, that begged to be sustained with exotic animals, folk harmonies and the thinly-veiled dregs of an uneasy imperialism.
That looks...large. True, I find it difficult to look at numbers and visualize proportions accordingly but...if the size of people's areas befit the clout they have in the must be huge.
@Scorch3: This has probably been out on the radar for some time, but I missed it. I have a whole long list of relatives I'm sending this link to, with the appropriate so-serious-about-swine-flu subtext. Thanks!
Oh yes, let's please push our level of hysteria to the max, my neighbors. While you're canceling my university classes ("Are you sure that's just pollen allergies? Maybe you should get away from m—I mean, get some rest") and quivering in front of your TVs with tissue boxes over your hands and feet, I'm gonna bike…
Dear Eidos: As you may know, some people are still crawling up the walls over swine flu. I happen to live in a country full of those people, at present. This country's airlines are wallowing in misery, what with the country's xenophobic knee-jerk reaction to all things beyond-borders. As such, tickets are quite a…
Whoever wins should make their "hi it's me" picture be of them licking a palm tree. ...Because that up there is just the tastiest-looking clipart I've ever seen. It does for palm trees what pineapples do for jrpg hair spikes. Yum.
Mizuguchi kind of looks like Quentin Tarantino.
French press french press french press.