*is triumphant*
*is triumphant*
Sackboy Making Contest. Pleeeease? Give away another book. Maybe I can't make a decent diorama, but I can knit!
@ekkobi: Well, I don't think they're saving the rainforest or anything. It's just nice that game writers get to be recognized as, you know, writers. Even if it's for purely capitalistic reasons. (And, with a few dubious exceptions, what big-name award isn't an attempt to fatten a wallet somewhere?)
@svetlana: McKean. Sorry. I know too many people with variations on the theme for names.
It does seem a bit cheery to come from something of Neil Gaiman's (though I've read most of his stuff, I missed Coraline ever since my sister tripped and broke her fingers trying to get a copy signed by him for me). But perhaps they don't want to scare off potential buyers. See all this media attention—mostly…
They do this? The Writer's Guild of America makes a nod toward games?!
@JesusDeSaad: I thought of that, but I mean, still. Wilson!
@2NinjasTapedTogether: Nobody said he deserves to have what he wanted. But the rest of you ought to at least respect that he tried. Rather than fling fifth-grade metaphors at people who do.
@Lemond: If anyone who gets that reference ever comes within a five-foot radius of me, I'll hug you.
I came to this late. I put it off. I saw the headline in my RSS drop-down menu and thought "do I need that kind of angst in my life today? No." Slid the cursor somewhere else.
@geezer_man: To be fair, it's not just "us," the consumers of news, who are to blame. There is no sorting of "facts, such as they are, in any newsworthy events" on network news. It's crap. And because TV's where the money is, or was, print changed. The paper I practiced looking up big words in when I was a kid is…
@svetlana: Nevermind, just got above comment up. To which I can only respond: Ow.
Why are there electrode-things in his arm?
This sends me reeling with images from David Mitchell's Ghostwritten.
@Frank: There really is no escape from 4chan, is there?
@dowingba: Nah, there's that guy in the background behind the chick, too. May be a side character, but that face wasn't chiseled from cheese.
@svetlana: So about how this posted twice...
I feel like these sorts of games would be good ways to spark deep interior rummagings for concealed homosexual desire. I mean, if you spend so much time watching those hard bodies, sweaty brows and blank, manly stares, something's got to give. Surely.
I feel like these sorts of games would be good ways to spark deep interior rummagings for homosexual desires. I mean, if you spend so much time staring at those hard bodies, sweaty brows and blank, manly stares, something's got to give. Surely.
@WFROSE: I can't believe you know of their existence!