
After its release I kind of lost track of AoC, so its downfall interests me quite a bit. Have we any, say, folks who've played through the beginning of LOTRO as well as AoC and could compare them? I watched the progression of LOTRO for years with a fangirl's delight, and swooned over the picturesque views of the

I realize that instead of mixing puzzles with RPG it mixed them with a social MMO-style instead, but would Puzzle Pirates be viewed in the same positive light? My PP trial landed, due to my lack of foresight, smack in the middle of finals and I never got to see much more of the game than the tetris-like pirate duels.

I appreciated this. Thanks for posting it!

Do you have babylocks on all your doors? My puppy ate an entire box of Raisin Bran, swelled up like a balloon (think a cargo of rice in a wooden ship), and we paid $1700 for the privilege of having her stomach pumped.

@yoshirox85: If you didn't read the review and justify that by the fact that you don't own a PSP, I'm not quite sure why you're responding in the first place. If you are curious, the review is kind of, you know...right cluttering up a comment board doesn't make a world of sense, to me.

Props on the inclusion of TWEWY. So much hype surrounded it, it was why my boyfriend and I bought DSes. And we loved the game. And with the occasional, heartfelt exception, few seem still to talk about it much. But I still haven't maxed out all my pins, and I won't stop playing till I do. A great game, and

Good stuff. I'd've had a couple adventure titles to tack on there but a.) they're not everyone's cup of tea, and b.) installing dosbox on your relative's computer may cause them to be a bit less generous with the holiday cheer than previously expected, if they're anal about that sort of thing.

Even if I were to find a bird and people to eat it with, heman8400 has a fish-hole oven is precisely that, and wouldn't fit even a haunch of turkey.

@Number41: Easy, easy, rabid Japanophiles. Given the location I rather doubt the comment was made in defense of any party objectified by the anime/manga culture (octopi in included), but it's a bit quick on the button to whip out the racist label when someone takes a stab at a pop culture fixture. Nobody likes the se

*whistles* Well, that takes balls. Exposing oneself to the media storm. While one would expect the journalist to be thoughtful in his comments I'm pleased at how well-spoken the game-maker is too, here. (I'm watching this stuff for the first time.) I've seen quite a few interviews where the poor guy, while he

@QuigleyHamster: I hope you came up with that one yourself. Because that's just too perfect. Props.

@madreag: Everyone is the same? How on earth could you come to a conclusion like that? Do you mean their appearance? The variety (or lack thereof) of skins/meshes? If you in fact mean their personalities I'm afraid I don't understand. The people who yell or /general of course come to sound the same. They're

@SeraphX2: I got into a rather heated argument with a professor (who, I might point out, never touched a mouse for any purpose other than websurfing or wordprocessing in her life) on this topic. "Look at this kid in Korea, he went and died playing this game, see? It's evil," was her way of thinking. And I

45 degrees Fahrenheit is nothing. I froze in Michigan in the snow for BC. I have no pity for anyone complaining about 45 degrees.

Is that real Diablo III art? Because that girl turning around in the shadow of the pillar looks like Firiona Vie from EverQuest, only with dyed hair.

Beware the steep learning curve. Clear your schedule, sit down with a cup of coffee for three hours and slog through that tutorial. And uh...take notes. I enjoyed my time on EVE, but only after I restarted a character and sat through every moment of the tutorial diligently, paying studious attention. It's like

That man is wearing a shirt advertising my laundry detergent.

@Taiyz: Overclocked EBA? That would kill me. Or my hands. Or both.

Oooh, I didn't know this crowd allowed itself to acknowledge yaoi's existence. Rock on, Sephiroth. Rock Cloud hard. Although Tifa/Aerith was always more to my taste.

Really, Aspyr did this? I always knew them as the Let's Port It To Mac people. I had no idea they'd do handhelds.