Here’s hoping it all goes well for you!
Here’s hoping it all goes well for you!
That’s what my mom said! Army hospital, Germany, 1980s: nurses made you walk to the end of the hallway after delivery before you got to sleep. I’m not sure why. It sounded hellish, though.
My sister gave birth in Marine Corps hospitals, back in the ‘80s. I’m pretty sure they made her walk out of the delivery room.
People are exactly the same. Facebook and Twitter allow people to choose from a finite set of things and feel like individuals. See also: Donald J. Trump.
Or of the opinion that you are ‘invulnerable’ to it.
One of the Dashiell Hammett’s Continental Op stories — “The Scorched Face” — tells about an investigation into a not-dissimilar type of cult, and it was written in the 1920s, nearly a century ago. The motives as always: power over women and money.
You don’t “get involved”. You are recruited. You are lied to about the groups motivations and nature; you’re slowly sucked in and manipulated and broken in. It takes a while to go from starry-eyed new member to full mind control. They take their time. They know what they’re doing.
I was in an a cappella group in college that met these wackos. They staged an “a cappella festival” in order to recruit young impressionable college kids with means into this crazy cult. Our group was the only one who did our research and looked these people up while we were there. One of the nights of the “festival”,…
He was objectively an awful moderator.
He already doubled-down on his stupid ass question. His comment below.
For the record, there were a lot of boos. Someone was quick enough to yell out loud immediately and it took a few seconds for me to let it sink in (because I was in shocked WTF mode). He did not preface the…
It’s pretty telling that he thinks an actress will remember her exact weight from 25 years ago.
Either that or he honestly though people were going to look at a coked out version of her and think that’s a great look?
It was so fetishizing her weight. He completely just had to know. As some said above, he could have touched on the topic of actors and weight loss instead just ‘what did you weigh?’ So completely objectifying / fetishizing needed to know the number. So pervy.
I’d say that’s a least half a step up from when lady-children were just reminders of the inevitable dowry payment.
Yeah, as if the cocaine was a choice he’d love his daughter to make as long as she had a healthy body image. Go back to your shed, tool.
Christian Bale, losing weight to the point of kidney damage his role in “The Machinist”: a serious, committed actor.
She gave a fine answer to a dumb question. I kind of expected his follow up to be, “But... how much did you weigh?”
“This is not the question you think it is!” he adds.
Also, why is he letting his, I assume, young child watch Scar Face? As a father concerned with [insert xyz issue] he is the arbiter of what she is allowed to watch.
“Michelle, as the father of a daughter concerned with body image, the preparation for this film, what did you weigh?”
Ah, dads. Gotta love how they, confused, care about the plight of women after one of their little X-swimmers impregnates one.