
“In our four-year history of working together on this incredible show, these accusations have NEVER been revealed or discussed directly with me or anyone at Amazon. Therefore, I can only surmise that the investigation against me was deeply flawed and biased toward the toxic politicized atmosphere that afflicted our

About time this came out. Baio got in bed with the older brother of a friend. Had Willie Ames not walked into the wrong room, said brother was convinced he would have been further physically assaulted. Baio had “only” engaged in light petting.

Have you heard of the fallacy fallacy? It’s the idea that just because something contains a fallacy does not make it not true if the statement is actually true. So pointing out that an actual true statement being made in a humorous way through gif is somehow untrue because of the source is another way to deflect which

No she did it when she used to work at Ulta. At Sephora they have to destroy and throw out the returns. Sorry about confusion.

Wait, they did this a Sephora? Or did that sales lady formerly work at Ulta and said they did it there?

Speaking of Iman, at the Black Panther premiere.

I had an allergic reaction to some perfume once and I got hassled at Sephora’s register for some reason. I could see if the bottle was half used but I probably used two sprays from it. I tugged down the neck line of my shirt about an inch to reveal the hives. Why bother having return policies if I have to prove

This one pushed me over the edge, like I nearly rage stroked. My eye was twitching while reading about it. I was a single mother on food stamps more years than I like to count. That $83 dollars for me and my son (I only received them for myself because he’s special needs and got a whole $336 in SSI so he wasn’t

I can’t order Blue Apron or any of those box things because I don’t have a safe porch to deliver it to and I work all day, pretty fucking common problem.

People are gross. I don’t think rich people should be allowed to have an opinion on how poor people spend their money or benefits - they don’t know what it’s like and their experience with money management doesn’t apply.

I’m on EBT as well, and I really hate going through cashier lines because I know people like you are looking at my one or two “treat” items and deciding I’m an idiot who knows nothing about how to feed myself properly.

“What foods they should be eating” are the foods they want. You’re on EBT too, is this how you feel

He asked her to wear a transparent mesh top with no bra.

The finances of the whole thing would be outrageous:

How dare one of The Poor let their child enjoy a birthday. Don’t they know their child should feel shame and know they are different because they are The Poor?!

So I am on SNAP currently. I only get like ~$80 a month and I need it. It really helps. I am allergic to gluten, my partner is allergic to peanuts. With it, we get fresh fruits and veggies (from a farmers market when we can, local grocer most other times) and get meat from a local butcher that accepts snap, because

When I worked at social services years ago, the financial assistance workers would often shit talk clients who came in looking ‘too nice’. Basically in their minds, how poor could the person be if they had their hair done or drove a nice car. But if a person came in looking wrecked - messy hair, dirty clothes, etc -

And what is the lactose intolerant, hypertensive person supposed to eat? Not milk, and certainly not a bunch of canned bullshit. What about food allergies, vegetarians, people who don’t eat the “typical” American diet and want to eat their own ethnic recipes? Oh, I know: Fuck them, that’s what. This is so bleak and

I am a former food-stamp recipient, and reading this news this morning enraged me. SNAP gave me the freedom to choose to buy veggies and fruits and proteins - and some diet Coke and the occasional potato chip. This food-box program is some bullshit, and I can’t imagine having someone else decide what you’re going to

My immediate thought was “What about food allergies?”. Also “What if they don’t have access to an appliance they’d need to cook the food with? What good is a box of pasta gonna do someone who doesn’t have a working stove?” With food stamps, people might not buy the kinds of foods you think they should be eating, but

Never fear, y’all. Walmart has an extremely vested interest in keeping SNAP exactly the way it is, their lobby will stop this crap.